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Taehyung was walking around in the store, buying things for Jungkook's upcoming birthday. His birthday was months and months away, but Taehyung always liked to keep on top of things.

He stumbled on the aisle of stuffed animals and looked around it, wide-eyed and squealing. Before he knew it, he was in little space, running around and cuddling all of the teddy bears.


Jungkook picked up his phone to check on when Taehyung was coming home. The call was picked up immediately. "Hey, Taehyung hyung."

"Kookie Bear!" Taehyung yelled into the phone.

Jungkook hissed and moved the phone away from his ear. "Jesus, wha-... Oh no. Taetae, where are you?"

Taehyung giggled. "I'm at a - the store. I-" Jungkook could hear a crashing sound. Taehyung whispered into the phone, "I think I b-broke a thingy."

Jungkook groaned. "Go by the door, Taetae. I'm gonna come pick you up."

Taehyung giggled. "Yes, s-sir!"


Jungkook ran into the store, whipping his head around to find Taehyung. He spotted the elder sitting on the floor, hugging a teddy bear to himself.

Jungkook ran over and picked him up off the floor. He left the teddy bear on the floor and dragged him out of the store. Taehyung just gurgled as he was pulled to the car.


Jungkook put Taehyung on the couch and gave him a stuffed animal. Taehyung hugged it to his chest.

"Hey, Taetae."

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook. "Hm?"

"I think we need a new rule, okay?" Jungkook asked, patting his leg.

Taehyung tilted his head and nodded.

"If you're not around me and you go into little space, will you call me right away?"

Taehyung smiled. "That's an e-easy rule! Sure, Kookie Bear!"

Jungkook smiled and sat back. Taehyung leaned back on him and snuggled up to him.

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