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Taehyung and Jungkook decided to pay a surprise visit to Jimin and Yoongi. Of course, when they saw each other, the two Littles squealed and hugged, already running around the apartment.

"Hey, hyung. I'm gonna leave Tae here. Okay? Okay." Jungkook turned around.

"Jungkook, you little shi-!" Yoongi was cut off by the slam of the door. He groaned and stomped into the living room.

"Listen to me, you two. You better behave. I'm not as lenient as Jungkookie."

The Littles nodded. They proceeded to run around, screaming.

Yoongi sat on the couch and put his hands under his head, smiling at how good he was at making sure they were behaving.

His triumph was short-lived. Taehyung and Jimin ran into the living room again, this time with paint. Jimin picked up a paintbrush, covered in green, and started drawing on Yoongi's face. The elder opened his eyes, blinking fast.

"Jimin, what the hell are you-" He brought his hand up to his face, wiping at it. Jimin giggled and ran away. "Oh, you're gonna get-" Taehyung ran up to him, kissing his cheek with yellow lips.

Jimin laughed and pointed. Yoongi growled and stood up, chasing after Jimin. He scooped him up, ignoring his squeal, and threw him onto the couch. "I'll deal with you later." Yoongi grabbed Taehyung, putting him onto the couch as well.

"You two. Behave. Or I'm separating you."

The two Littles "hmph"ed and crossed their arms. They tried to act angry, but started giggling when they looked up at Yoongi. The paint was still smeared around his face. He growled again, making the Littles stop laughing.

"Jesus, you two are covered in paint. Come on. We're going for a bath."

Jimin and Taehyung smiled, joining hands and letting Yoongi lead them to the bathroom. Yoongi filled the tub with water, dropping a blue bath bomb in it. He undressed both Littles, helping them into the tub. He let them wash themselves.

Taehyung stuck his hand into the bath bomb, taking a piece off and bringing it to his mouth. Yoongi hit it away, pointing his finger at Taehyung. "No!" Yoongi exclaimed.

Taehyung huffed and cleaned off his face. Yoongi helped him where he missed a spot, rubbing his face gently. Taehyung giggled and Yoongi kissed his forehead. Jimin whined for attention, Yoongi moving over and kissing him on the mouth sweetly. Yoongi walked away, grabbing bath toys. He held out the box for them, letting the Littles pick out what they wanted.

Taehyung and Jimin played for about half an hour in the tub, splashing each other and playing with their toys. After their bath, he wrapped both Littles with fluffy towels and helped them dry off. He dressed Jimin in his favourite onesie and dressed Taehyung in one of Jimin's others.


Jungkook walked through the door, throwing his stuff on the ground. Yoongi came out from the hallway, pointing his finger.

"You little shit! I should-"

"Thank you for watching Taetae, hyung!" Jungkook hugged Yoongi, praying Yoongi wouldn't hurt him.

Yoongi flipped him off once he pulled away. "Taehyung's in the bedroom sleeping with Jiminie."

"You got him to sleep?" Jungkook asked, surprised. "How?!"

Yoongi shrugged. "Go and get him. I wanna cuddle with my fiancé already."

Jungkook smiled. "Awww."

Yoongi blushed a bit. "Just go get him."

Jungkook smiled and walked into the bedroom, going over to wake up Taehyung. He shook the younger gently. Taehyung smiled up at him. "Hi, Kookie B-Bear!"

Jungkook helped him out of bed, walking him out of the apartment. Yoongi waved at them and went back to his bedroom, no doubt to cuddle Jimin.


Jungkook was rubbing Taehyung's shoulders on the couch as they watched TV. The elder was sighing every once in awhile.

"Taehyung hyung?" Jungkook asked, continuing his ministrations.

"Hm?" Taehyung responded.

"Good job painting on Yoongi hyung." He laughed.

Taehyung laughed and fist bumped Jungkook. "I know, right?"

Jungkook hugged Taehyung and kissed the side of his head.

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