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"K-Kookie Bear!" Taehyung whined, kicking his feet. "Come h-home!"

Jungkook sighed into the phone. "I will when I can, Taetae. I'm trying. I had to take extra hours."

Taehyung sniffled. "I-I miss you."

"I know, baby," Jungkook said. "I miss you too. I'll try and be home soon, alright?"

Taehyung nodded to himself and shut his eyes, willing away the tears. "Y-Yes, Daddy."


Jungkook dropped his bag at the door and ran his hands through his hair, kicking off his shoes. He yawned so hard it hurt. He sleepily dragged himself to the couch and fell onto it, falling asleep almost immediately.

Taehyung sprinted into the room, tiredness and tears completely vanished from his eyes. "Jungkookie B-Bear!" He threw himself onto the younger, peppering his face and neck in kisses.

Jungkook rolled over in his sleep, putting an arm over his face. Taehyung pouted and shook his shoulder.

"K-Kookie Bear, w-wake up! I m-missed you!" Taehyung felt tears spring to his eyes again.

When Jungkook didn't answer, Taehyung hugged his middle tightly and whined. The younger started snoring and Taehyung gave up, sitting back on his heels. He crossed his arms over his chest and sniffled. He just wanted Jungkook to treat him so nicely and kiss him and hug him. Taehyung, upset, ran to his room and slammed the door. It didn't wake the younger up.


The next morning, Jungkook was scooping eggs on his plate, next to his toast, in the kitchen when Taehyung walked in. He pouted and sat down at the table. Jungkook kissed his forehead and sat down across from him.

"W-Why are y-you up so e-early?" Taehyung asked, his bottom lip out.

"I've gotta go to work again, sweetheart. Someone made me cover their shift." Jungkook dug into his food quickly.

"B-But Kookie Bear n-never spends time w-with T-Taetae anym-more." Taehyung put his head in his hands and sniffled audibly.

Jungkook's face dropped and he finished his food before going over to Taehyung. He hugged the elder and kissed his cheek. "I'll be back soon, alright? And then we can spend a lot of time together. I've gotta go now, or I'm gonna be late." He pulled away from Taehyung.

Taehyung reached his hands out and opened and closed his fingers. "Noooo."

"Sorry, baby. Kookie Bear's gotta go." Jungkook gathered up his things and walked towards the door.

"C-Can Taetae h-have more hugs and k-kisses first?"

Jungkook waved and closed the door.


Jungkook was sitting sleepily on the couch, trying to stay awake. Taehyung was curled up on his side, attention on the movie they were watching.

"K-Kookie Bear?" Taehyung said in a soft voice.

Jungkook looked down at him. "What is it?" He brushed a stray strand of hair from Taehyung's face.

Taehyung pouted. "C-Can I have a-a kiss?"

Jungkook smiled and kissed him softly. Taehyung smiled against Jungkook's mouth and giggled. When Jungkook pulled away, Taehyung pulled him back for another. Two turned to three and four, and Jungkook was running out of breath.

He pushed Taehyung away with a smile. "Taetae, let me breathe."

Taehyung pouted. "B-But I m-missed you s-so much!"

Jungkook grinned and kissed him again, then leaned back onto the couch and rubbed Taehyung's back.


Taehyung was laying on the couch, tossing and turning. He couldn't get comfortable and Jungkook was taking a nap without him.

"K-Kookie Bear!" Taehyung squealed, rolling off the couch. He skipped to the bedroom and flipped on the lights.

Jungkook groaned and threw a pillow over his face. "Tae, turn it off~"

Taehyung jumped into bed next to him. "Kookie B-Bear."

"What is it, kitten? I need to sleep."

Taehyung giggled at the cute nickname. "I w-want kisses."

Jungkook rolled over and kissed him gently. He pulled away and closed his eyes again.

"N-No! I w-want a ton of th-them!" Taehyung whined, kicking the blankets.

Jungkook sighed. "Baby, I wanna sleep. I'm so tired."

Taehyung's lip quivered. "B-But Daddy a-always gives Taetae l-lots of k-kisses because he loves m-me. Do you n-not love me a-anymore?"

"Of course I do, Tae. I'm just so... so tired..." Jungkook started snoring.

Taehyung whined and hid his face in his pillow as he cried softly.


Jungkook was sitting on the couch, doing extra work. There were dark circles under his eyes, but he kept going. Taehyung came in and sat far away from him, pouting.

"D-Daddy, I want h-hugs and kisses."

Jungkook sighed against his palm. "Not right now, Taetae."

Taehyung sniffled. "P-Please?"

Jungkook waved a hand, scribbling on his paper. Taehyung started crying into his hands. Jungkook froze immediately and dropped everything, moving over to Taehyung.

"Taetae, baby, what's wrong?"

Taehyung latched onto Jungkook and cried into his shirt. He felt Jungkook rubbing his back and kissing his head.

"K-Kookie Bear d-doesn't love me any-anymore!"

Jungkook's mouth gaped and he held Taehyung away to look at his face. "What? Taetae, I love you."

"B-But Jungkookie d-doesn't give me k-kisses and hugs a-and he's always at w-work." Taehyung continued sobbing into Jungkook's shirt.

Jungkook rubbed his back lightly and held him close. "I... Taetae, I love you so much. More than anything. I'm working so much so that... so I could pay for all our dates and for new toys for you. I'm so sorry, baby. I'll take time off, alright?"

Taehyung pulled back and wiped his eyes. "K-Kookie did it f-for Taetae?"

Jungkook nodded. He wiped Taehyung's tears and kissed him. "All for my little Taetae."

Taehyung smiled softly.

"No, no. I want to see my little prince Taetae's smile." Jungkook kissed his forehead.

Taehyung met his eyes and smiled widely, his lips forming the box Jungkook loved so dearly. Jungkook grinned and kissed him again, holding his hands.

"Don't be so sad, Taetae. You're gonna wish you hadn't told me these things. Now I'm going to call you kitten and give you so many kisses and hugs you're gonna be sick of me." Jungkook started by kissing all over his face until Taehyung was giggling in his arms. "Alright, kitten. Time for bed, alright? Kookie Bear will help you take a bath."

Taehyung scrambled to his feet, pulling Jungkook with him. Jungkook pressed kisses to the back of Taehyung's palm as the elder led him to the bathroom.

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