Chapter 7

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One week later
I stared at the black pearl on my ring finger. I've never seen something so beautiful. Surrounded by a cluster of little diamonds, the rare beauty weighed heavily on my hand.

It was a shame that this ring was nothing but a symbol of a political arrangement. There was no love or intimacy involved. Just two Mafias coming together to end a decades old feud.

There wasn't even a wedding or anything like that. We went to a court house where a minister said a couple words, and next thing I know, we are man and wife.

We didn't seal the marriage with a kiss, which I was fine with. I don't want him going anywhere near me anyway. We just signed a piece of paper and headed over to the reception.

If we didn't have a wedding, I didn't see why we needed a reception. But Marcellius said that we had to show both Mafia families that a marriage had taken place and a union was formed.

At least I get a party for the hell I'm going to have to endure for the rest of my life, or until Marcellius finds a way to end this contract.

I took a sip of my champagne and watched crowds of Mafia members laugh, dance, and eat together as if we weren't just enemies less than two hours ago.

"Not into socializing, huh principessa mafiosa(mafia princess)?"

The sudden sound of Lorenzo's low, Italian-filled voice in my ear had goosebumps invading my skin.

I could feel the intensity of his heat singeing my skin through the fabric of my tight black dress.

I simply rolled my eyes at his attempt to start a conversation. "No," I replied coldly, before walking away to find any one of my brothers.

I don't even know why he's trying when it's clear that we don't like each other. Even if our families hadn't been enemies, I still wouldn't give him the time of day.

He's only trying to make our families think we are getting along. It's nothing but a performance, and one I prefer not to partake in.

Locking onto Niccolo, who was so clearly aggravated by being forced to play nice with the Sinisi Mafia, I swiftly made my way towards him.

I was just a few feet away from him when a hand hooked around my forearm and yanked me back into their chest.

"Walk away from me again and you'll regret it," Enzo growled into my ear, the intoxicating scent of his cologne making it difficult to breath.

"Put your hands on me again and I'll put a bullet between those pretty eyes," I snapped back, pulling away from him and turning my back to him.

When I reached Niccolo's side, I glanced in the direction of Lorenzo. He was making his way towards me, a pissed off expression marking his pretty boy features.

I dare him to talk the way he just did in front of my brother. Approaching me, he paused when Niccolo's gaze fell to Lorenzo, who's eyes were filled with utter rage.

His jaw flexed as he eyed Niccolo. If he caused a scene now this marriage would have been pointless.

"Niccolo," he said, cautiously tipping his head in acknowledgement.


For a moment, I thought for sure that Lorenzo would try something, but thankfully he backed down and walked away.

Niccolo patted my head, smiling down at me. "Enzo causing you trouble already, sorellina(little sister)?"

"I'm handling it," I huffed. "He doesn't scare me in the slightest."

"Atta girl." He praised, gently nudging my shoulder. "I think you'll do just fine."

For the rest of the reception I did my best to avoid Lorenzo. And he knew it too, because I could feel him watching my every move with a scowl on his face.

I was in the midst of talking with the girls when Javier's voice boomed through the microphone, grabbing everyone's attention.

I wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying until he mentioned something about the bride and groom having their first dance.

All eyes were on me. I wanted to go hide in the bathroom, but knew that I didn't really have much of a choice.

I've worked so hard to keep my distance from Lorenzo and now we have to slow dance together in front of almost two hundred guests.

I put a smile on my face, as I stepped out from within the crowd and inched towards the wooden dance floor.

The lights were dimmed even lower than before, a spotlight shining down on us as Lorenzo approached me.

The music began to play in the background, Lorenzo placing his hands on my waist and abruptly pulling me into his chest.

"You'd do well not to step on my feet, sweetheart," he snarled in my ear, as he took the lead and guided me across the dance floor.

"Cazzo sì(Fuck you)," I bit out venomously as I continued smiling through my teeth. His grip on my waist tightened.

I was getting under his skin.

I slung my arms over his shoulders, fighting the urge not to strangle him in front of everyone.

Our eyes remained on one another, but not in the loving, romantic way that everyone thought looking from the outside in.

The tension between us was thick and filled with animosity towards one another. We hated each other. That was at least something we could agree on.

When the song started coming to an end, Lorenzo took that as an opportunity to really sell the "happy newlyweds" front.

He dipped me with unexpected grace, before bringing me back up. Our faces were inches from each other, his breath on my nose.

When the lights flickered back on, my common sense returned and I stepped away from him, creating some much needed distance.

I made a quick escape to the bathroom, needing to cool down. I turned on the water and splashed cold water in my face. I was hot all over and my heart was racing a mile a minute.

A few minutes of hiding out in the bathroom went by, before a knock sounded at the door.

"Who is it?"

Cesare peeked his head into the doorway. "It's time for you to go, Roe."

I wasn't ready to go. I was never going to be ready. I wanted to go back home with my family. And Lorenzo is not my family despite what the marriage license says.

Cesare stepped inside and motioned me in for a hug. I took his offer, snuggling my head into the suit of his tuxedo.

"It's going to be alright. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

I looked up at him and scoffed. "I'm pretty sure that ship has already sailed, fratello(brother)."

He chuckled and kissed my head. "You know what I mean."

I did know what he meant. I was to go to Lorenzo's home where we would be having our honeymoon. Or not having our honeymoon, because I refuse to do anything with the likes of him.

"If you need any of us, give us a call and we'll be there in a heartbeat." He kissed my head once more and smiled warmly. "Now come on, I'll walk you out."

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