Chapter 18

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Lorenzo's POV
"You made the right choice in leaving her behind," Javier commented as we made our way into the restaurant. "Who knows what sick twisted shit would have happened if Cosimo had seen her."

I balled my hands into a fist, my fingernails digging into my skin at the unwelcome thought of Cosimo putting his filthy paws anywhere near Rosalie.

He's in the business of sex trafficking, which is the same business my father was in before he was sentenced to life in prison.

I hated what my father did for a living. I never agreed to the ways in which he ruled this Mafia. But even so, he's not nearly as atrocious as Cosimo Ricci.

I'm not saying my father was any better, but if I had to make a choice between the two...

"Lorenzo Sinisi."

Yanked from my thoughts at the sound of my name leaving Cosimo's lips left an acidic taste in my mouth.

Grinding my teeth to keep the insults from making what's supposed to be a civilized meeting to a possible shoot-out, I released a sigh.

"Cosimo Ricci. It's been awhile."

He smiled at me, exposing his golden crowned front tooth. "Awhile indeed. I see you've taken on Diana's sexy ass features. You've come along way from the scrawny little boy I remember."

I wanted to shove my foot up his ass. Anytime he and my father would get together, he'd always make sexual comments about my mother. And it makes me sick.

My father would check him instantly and he'd retreat like the little chihuahua he is. But now that he's gone, I have no choice but to keep my mouth shut and act as though I don't want to kill him.

I may have my father's title, but I have yet to earn the level of respect he had.

"Are we here to catch up, or can we get down to business?"

The plump old man's smug smiled stretched, his soulless brown eyes sending a chill crawling down my spine. "Little Sin, always so serious. Why can't you loosen up like your mother did?" He licked his lips and roared with laughter.

I took a step forward, Javier quick to grasp my shoulder and keep me from getting the both of us killed. I glanced back at him and he shook his head. "Tieni duro, Enzo(Keep it together, Enzo)," he whispered.

How was I supposed to keep it together when the son of a bitch was basically calling my mother a whore?

I eyed the bottle of wine on the table, tempted to bash it over Cosimo's squared head. The restaurant was empty, except for the multitude of men standing guard and watching me attentively.

I could very well erase Cosimo from existence. But then I too would be dead, and Rosalie would be left to fend for herself. I don't doubt her ability. She's a fighter, which I admit turns me on, but she can only last so long. Cosimo's men would tear her apart.

So for her sake, I'm going to do as Javier instructed and keep my temper under control.

Clenching my jaw, I proceeded over to the table and sat down. He offered me a slice of Pizza and a glass of wine, to which I refused. He raised a brow, offended by my refusal to eat or drink anything from his restaurant.

"I'm not here to stuff my face or get drunk. But you know that. Which means I can assume you know why I'm here."

Thankfully, his frown faded and a smile took its place. "You really are your father's son."

"So I've been told," I replied with little to no emotion.

He chuckled deeply, which pissed me off because nothing I've said or done has been remotely funny.

"I hear you are seeking to track down the men who killed your father."


Cosimo snapped his fingers and the guard standing behind him handed me a tan colored folder. "Inside you will find the names of every inmate involved in your father's murder."

I opened the file, mentally taking snapshots of every person, name, and information provided to me about them.

"Two remain behind bars, but one is out on parole. Tell me, why is that?"

"He had help from the outside. I wasn't given the name of that person, but he somehow managed to sweep any record of his involvement under the rug."

"Mm," I hummed. "Interesting." I stood to my feet, closing the folder and sliding it in front of Cosimo. "I'll keep in touch."

I turned to leave, but his voice boomed in my ear, stopping me and Javier in our tracks. "Where do you think you're going, little Sin? This isn't how this works. I give you what you want and you give me what I want. That's how this works."

I looked to Javier, who shrugged. Neither of us knew that Cosimo had wanted something in return. When I called him asking for information on the inmates who killed my father, I thought he was doing me a favor.

He was a friend of my father's and I thought he'd also like to know who snatched away someone we both cared deeply about. And besides, I knew he was the only one who could provide such information being as he does have a few friends on the inside.

Javier and I both turned to face Cosimo. "And what is it that you want?"

There wasn't much I could offer him. The man has everything. From cars, boats, and planes. To women, money, connections, and access to every weapon known to man. So what could I possibly give him that he doesn't already own himself?

His eyes widened, his attention focused on whatever or whoever was behind me. And then he said, "her. I want her."

I slowly turned to see who could have the man nearly dropping to knees and begging like a dog. There wasn't any women in sight anyway.

And then my eyes locked onto a pair of greenish-blue ones and I saw who he had been referring to.

Porch troia(Fucking hell).

I grabbed her forearm, yanking her away from Cosimo's starving eyes. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I seethed, past the point of rage. "And how in the hell did you even find me?"

She made no attempt to jerk away from me. In fact, she smiled. Which made me question if she liked seeing me angry like this, or if she gets off seeing me aggressively handle her. Maybe it's both. I wasn't sure. I'm unable to read her. Which is a first, because most women are pretty easy for me to read.

"You aren't the only one with power, Enzo."

I gripped her arm tighter, resulting in a whimper that sounded more like a moan than anything. The erotic sound had my cock hardening and uncomfortably pressing against my slacks.

"This isn't a fucking game, Rosalie!" I snarled, trying to keep my voice from reaching the ears of Cosimo. "I gave you clear instructions to stay home. You're so fucking disobedient. I'd punish you, but I have a feeling you'd like that."

"I'm not here to play games, Enzo. I know what I'm doing!" She shot back.

"No, you don't know. Because if you did, then I wouldn't have to worry about trying to keep me and Javi alive, while trying to keep Cosimo from taking you from me."

Worry flickered across her face and I could see the regret in her eyes. "What do you mean?"

I snaked my arm around her waist, protectively pulling her into my side. "Just shut up and follow my lead."

I gave Javier a quick worried glance, before walking back out as if I wasn't scared shitless of losing her. I couldn't stand her ass, but I'd never live with myself if something happened to her.

God help me.

If I don't die by Cosimo's hands, then her brothers will gladly finish the job themselves.

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