Chapter 14

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Lorenzo's POV
"I leave you two alone for thirty fucking minutes to come back home and find the kitchen a disaster, you bleeding out on the floor, and your wife nowhere to be found."

"Donny and a few others are hunting her down as we speak."

"She's not a damn deer, Enzo! You can't keep treating her like shit and keeping her caged here like an animal! She's a woman, a fucking human being!"

The nurse working on the wounds Rosalie inflicted on me, motioned me to lower my shirt once she finished stitching me up.

"I'm trying, Javi." I can only tolerate so much, before I completely explode and lose the last shred of patience I have left for that woman.

"No, you're not! Because if you were, then your wife would be carrying your child, and not out running to try and get away from your dumbass!"

I didn't want to be married in the first place. But I didn't have a choice or a say in the matter, because my life had already been decided the moment I was born.

I wasn't even going to go through with it. I rebelled my father's wishes on numerous occasions until the day he died in prison.

Javier softened his voice, somehow able to read my mind. "You don't owe your father shit, Enzo."

"But I do." I looked up, trying to keep the tears from flowing. "I'm the reason his wife, the love of his life and my mother, is dead."

"That wasn't your fault Enzo. She'd lost a lot of blood and-"

"Yeah, giving birth to me!" I snapped. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, my heart aching from having to hold the guilty weight of such a heavy burden for the past twenty-five years. "She gave me life and what did I do? I snatched hers away." I scoffed, laughing and crying at the same time. "Some son I am."

Javier sighed, handed the nurse a wad of cash, and had her escorted out of the room by one of my men. "You can't keep beating yourself up. I know it's why you have a hard time showing affection towards women, but maybe if you told Rosalie, then she would have more patience with you."

"Am I to have patience with her as well?"

"She's going to be the mother of your children, so yes. Besides, she too has been through a hell of a lot. You two are more alike than you think."

"Fine, whatever. I'll try my best to be nice to her."

"That's all I'm asking of you."


"Did you find her?" I asked, as soon as I saw Donny inch into my office with his head down, the other three I sent out also trailing behind with caution. I already knew the answer just by the way they trembled, but wanted to see if they'd come up with some excuse or give me a straight answer like I expected from all of my men.

"No sir. She's proven herself to be far more difficult to track down than we expected."

"So if you don't have her, then why are you here?" He opened his mouth to speak, but clamped it shut when he saw the angry look on my face. "I don't want to see any of your faces until she's back in this house got it?"

"Yes, sir," they replied simultaneously before scurrying out of my office just in case I changed my mind about killing them for even being bold enough to come back without her.

Growing frustrated by the minute, I called Marcellius. I was trying to avoid interacting with another annoying ass Fierri, but they have information I need pertaining to my runaway wife. And I don't have a single doubt in my mind that they knew exactly where she's run off to.

"Lorenzo. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Cut the bullshit Fierri," I snarled. "Where is she!? I know you know where she is."

"Of course I know where she is. But that doesn't mean I'm going to tell you."

I didn't have time for this. If Rosalie flies back to Italy, then I won't have any power over here there. I don't have connections like Marcellius does. Which means that once she's gone, then that's it. My chances of ever continuing the Sinisi legacy will end, and this Mafia will fall.

There's a reason the principessa mafiosa(mafia princess) was chosen. It wasn't just to form an alliance and ensure the legacy of this mafia, but because the Fierri's are the most powerful Mafia both in the United States and in Italy. They are ruthless, feared-by-all, and fertile as hell. But most importantly, they have the respect of every other Mafia in existence.

Although our families have been enemies for generations, we still respected them. My father absolutely hated Marcellius, and loved pushing his buttons, but even he knew to tread lightly when it came to them. When you piss off one brother, you piss them and their entire Mafia off. So a war is the last thing I wanted or needed.

"Let your sister know that she has an hour to return to me, or else I'm coming to get her myself."

I hung up, knowing that threatening his sister and hanging up on him was a huge risk, but I'm all out of patience. I have none left to give, especially after she stabbed me.

I should kill her for what she did to me, and send her back to her family piece by piece so they know never to cross me again. But then that would cause a war that would get me killed. And I happen to value my life.

Javier entered into my office, trying to pretend like he wasn't just outside my door listening to my conversation with Marcellius. "Oh I know that look. What's swirling around in that psychotic brain of yours?"

"I have an idea of where she might be."

"Hmm," he hummed, caressing the stubble on his chin and looking up at the ceiling in thought. "Does this have to do with a particular nightclub?"

"Yes," I replied, standing up and walking out from behind my desk. I wasn't totally certain, but something in my gut told me to look for her there.

"Well then we better get going before the principessa mafiosa(mafia princess) slips through your fingers a second time."

"Vaffanculo(fuck off), I responded, glaring at him. I sighed in annoyance because I knew he was never going to let me hear the end of it.

Which is why I'm going to make sure this is the last time I ever let her embarrass me again. And when she's back in my possession, I'm going to make sure she knows not to cross me again.

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