Chapter 25

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Rosalie's POV
One minute I'm sleeping off my time with Lorenzo, and the next I'm hearing Javier begging and shouting at Lorenzo not to hurt me.

Panicking, my fight or flight response kicked in and I made a run for it. My gut told me to find Max if I wanted answers, because somehow someway he was behind this.

So I took a cab all the way to the hotel I knew Max would be staying at. He liked to hide in plain sight, so he wasn't very difficult to locate.

I burst through the doors of his hotel room and shot him in his right shoulder. He howled, clutching his bleeding shoulder as he fell to the floor.

"What the hell did you do? Why is my husband trying to kill me!?"

"I-I don't know."

Bugiardo(Liar)!" I shot him in his other shoulder, eliciting another pained howl. "Lie to me again and the next bullet goes in your head!"

Max broke down in tears. "Vincenzo took my family away from me!" He sobbed, snot dribbling from his nose. "I had a wife and child. And he killed them!"


"Inferno wasn't bringing in any money, and so I couldn't provide for my family. I was referred to Vincenzo by a friend. He gave me almost a hundred grand. Shortly after that, everything was back in order. And then I missed the deadline to pay him back." Max continued to sob uncontrollably. "He made me watch as he slaughtered my family!"

"I'm sorry for what happened to your family, but that doesn't tell me why Enzo is after my head."

He groaned, sitting himself up on the wall behind him. "Minutes after he died, I received intel about a girl betrothed to Vincenzo's son. I didn't even know he had a son. So I tracked you down, took you in, and raised you to be a killer."

"So when you found me... you already knew who I was." He nodded. "And that night at the club when you said you had a contract for me- it was Enzo."

He nodded again. "I used you to get to Vincenzo's son. And I knew you would be the one to kill him. You were my perfect puppet." He smiled, admiring the monster he had created. And then he frowned. "But then you betrayed me and fell in love with the enemy!" He spat.

It was me who was sobbing now. My life had been a lie. Max had not only lied to me, but he used me for his sick, twisted game of revenge. I thought he cared about me.

"You were like a father to me," I said with a sniffle, lowering my weapon and looking him directly in his eyes.

"I'm sorry my dear child, but I already have a daughter. And she's gone."

His words killed me.

So I took the liberty of returning the favor by killing him.


I whipped around on my heel at the sound of the hotel doors being kicked in. Lorenzo stormed into the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"I assume you got my note?" I questioned with a neatly trimmed brow raised and my expression stoic.

He eyed Max's lifeless body behind me. "You killed him. Why?" I told him everything Max had told me, noticing the way he seemed to shrink at the mention of his father. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because you could have killed me the moment you saw me, but instead you gave me a chance to explain myself. Which means a part of you does believe me."

He aimed his gun, his finger teasing the trigger. "That's not enough for me to spare you."

"My brothers will come after you."

"Let them. I have nothing left to lose."

"You have me to lose."

"You don't mean shit to me."

"Really?" I untied the robe I had slipped into after I used Max's shower a half an hour ago. "Because I think you love me."

"You're wrong. I hate you."

"So then fuck me like you hate me," I told him, the robe dropping to the floor, his gaze immediately falling to my naked body.

His eyes darkened as he licked his lips and strode towards me. "You don't know what you're asking of me, sweetheart."

"Oh but I do, my dear husband." I stepped back until I felt the back of my knees touch the bed. I plopped down, Lorenzo stepping in between my parted legs.

I eyed the gun still in his hand. His finger remained on the trigger, still very much on guard.

So I stuck out my tongue and licked the muzzle, my eyes trained on his. And then I enclosed my lips around it, imagining his cock in my mouth as I sucked and moaned.

He grabbed my throat, his other hand unzipping his pants and pulling out his erection. Pre-cum leaked from the tip and my insides grew hot. "Put it in your mouth," he demanded.

I did as I was told and opened my mouth wide to take his thick length inch by inch. I moaned at the sweet taste making love to my taste buds.

The tip pressed against the back of my throat as he began to fuck my mouth with his hot, pulsing cock.

He entangled his fingers in my hair, holding it out of my face. "There you go, sweetheart. Take your husband's dick like good girl."

He released a deep sigh, dipping his head back and continuing to drive his hips forward. Each time he thrusted, it was always more forceful and aggressive than the last.

And I fucking loved it.

I hummed, the sound reverberating throughout his length and drawing out a sexy, low growl. The beautiful sounds of pleasures spilling from his lips drives me mad and I suck harder, eager to taste his sweet release.

"Oh shit," he moaned.

He's close. I can feel it. "Come in my mouth, amore mio(my love)."

His fingers tightened around my throat as he coated my mouth with his sweet load. I gladly swallowed every last drop of him. He smiled, caressing my cheek.

I leaned into his touch knowing that he was far from through with me, because I had asked him to take me like he hated me. And that's exactly what he was going to do.

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