Chapter 20

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I sauntered into the kitchen, Lorenzo's eyes immediately floating to the shirt I stole from in his closet after my shower.

My hair was still wet and I was butt ass naked underneath. Water dripped from the ends of my hair, my hardened nipples poking through the damp fabric.

I grinned when I saw him shift in his seat, his focus no longer on finishing the cereal in front of him.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Rosalie."

"What game? I'm not playing any game." I pretended to act like I didn't know what he was talking about, knowing full well that I was intentionally trying to punish him after last night.

I walked across the kitchen floor, pausing in front of the fridge. I grabbed the Orange Juice, and then shifted over so that I was standing in front of the cabinet.

I stood on the tips of my toes, purposely trying to grab the glass on the highest shelf. I could feel his eyes still on me, particularly my ass.

"Enzo, can you please help me?" I asked sweetly, flashing him an innocent smile.

"No. You did this to yourself." He set down his coffee mug and stood to his feet. Eyeing me once more, he added, "and return my shirt when you're finished doing whatever it is you think you're trying to do here."

I flipped him off as soon as his back was to me. Pouring myself a glass of juice, I returned the carton back to its rightful place.

When I was finished, I placed my glass into the sink and turned to head back to my room, so I could change into something more appropriate.

I had almost reached my door when a hand grabbed the back of my neck and slammed me into the door.

I let out a grunt, caught off guard by the sudden force of impact. I crinkled my nose in disgust when the heavy smell of alcohol wafted into my nostrils.

My eyes fell to a hand with a familiar large scar embedded in the middle as a hairy, bulky arm wrapped around my body.

"Get the hell off me, Rafael."

I wiggled my body, trying to escape the large man's arms. But I froze when I felt something hard dig into my ass.

I looked around, but there wasn't anyone guarding this hallway. I didn't know if that was on purpose, or if God really wasn't on my side this morning.

Rafael pinned me to the wall using his body, while he huffed hot air heavily down my neck. "I'm going to make you pay for what you did to me."

That incident was a little over three months ago and he's just now trying to exact his revenge.

Lorenzo might not have cared what he did to me then, but things are a little different now. Especially after last night.

"What do you think your boss will do to you when he finds out you're trying to rape his wife?"

"You think I care?" He spat. "I don't give a fuck about him or this damn Mafia. He's nowhere near half the man his father was. Enzo's a pussy."

Rafael shoved his pants down to his ankle and hiked up Lorenzo's shirt. "I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget, bitch."

The sound of a gun going off, followed by a thud and a wailing Rafael rings in my ears.

I looked down to see Rafael with his hands over his crotch, blood seeping through his hands and dripping onto the floor, his detached manhood feet away from him.

My eyes trailed over to see who had stepped in to save me. I ran into Javier's arms, sniffling into the jacket of his smokey gray suit.

He peeled off the jacket and wrapped it around my exposed body. "Where is Enzo?" He demanded angrily, gently stroking my hair in an attempt to comfort me.

"I... I don't know."

Greta gasped, taking in the scene before her. "Take her," ordered Javier. He pulled out his phone, dialing Lorenzo's number. "¡Trae tu trasero aquí, ahora(Get your ass down here, now)!" He shouted in what sounded very much like Spanish, before ushering his men to clean up the mess he had caused.

I was dragged passed my room and towards Lorenzo's where Greta sat me down and left to go run me a warm bath.

This was my first time in Lorenzo's room. It's exactly what I pictured it to be. Dark, sad, and depressing. It's even cold in here.

I shivered, tugging Javier's jacket over my chilled body. "What are they going to do to him?" I asked Greta.

She popped her head back into the room. "I don't know. Mr. Sinisi and Mr. D'Angelo usually keep me away from such things." She motioned for me to follow her into the bathroom.

Stripping away the jacket and shirt, I walked into the bathroom where Greta was waiting with a wash rag and soap.

Stepping into the tub, I sunk down into the water, sighing contently. "I never did like Rafael. He's always trying to challenge Mr. Sinisi."

"He said Enzo would never be half the man his father was. What did he mean by that?"

Greta mixed the bar of soap into the cloth and began washing me with the gentleness of a nurturing mother. "Mr. Sinisi isn't anything like his father, which is a good thing. After your brother, Mr. Fierri shut down his father's trafficking ring, he decided to start hosting underground fighting instead. It was a way not only for him to make a profit, but to keep his temper under control."

"Is his temper really that bad?"

She nodded. "Very. Everyone who's been bold enough to cross him is buried six feet under."

"Sounds similar to my brother Nic. His wife Autum told me his temper used to be terrible."

"Used to? What changed?"

"Love." Greta gave me a knowing look at my response and I shook my head. "No. This isn't the same thing."

"And why not? You could be the one to save him, Rosalie."

"Enzo doesn't need saving. What he needs is some weed and a good therapist."

Greta chuckled. "Or maybe he needs the touch of a woman."

"You aren't really suggesting that I sleep with him are you?"

"Of course I am." I sent a glare her way and she raised her hands up in defense. "If not that, then there are other ways to please him. I'm just saying."

"I'm not doing any of that. Besides, I don't get on my knees for any man."

"He did it for you with no problem. So I don't see what's wrong in returning the favor."

"Greta!" I squealed with a gasp. "How do you know that?"

"I was in the basement doing laundry. You can hear everything in the vents."

"Oh my God." I groaned, blushing profusely. I buried my head in my hands from the embarrassment of having been caught.

I didn't think anyone heard what happened between us last night. I thought everyone had been asleep.

I looked up from my hands, thinking about what could be worse than Greta knowing. "Does Javi know?"

Greta shrugged. "Not that I know of. I'm sure he doesn't. He was too busy plowing some woman to hear anything over her screaming."

"You heard all that through the vents too?"

She shook her head. "No. I listened outside of his bedroom door."

"Why would you- you know what? Nevermind. Don't answer that. I don't even want to know."

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