Chapter 26

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Lorenzo's POV
She wanted me to fuck her like I hated her. She wanted me deep inside her walls, pounding into her until she could feel every last bit of resentment I held for her.

"Lie on your stomach," I ordered.

She shifted, laying on her stomach with her legs spread. Her pussy was pink and beautiful, her arousal practically dripping down her thighs.

My palm stung as I smacked her ass, the mound of flesh rippling like tidal waves in an ocean. Her adorable cry caused my dick to twitch and I hit her again, only this time I aimed right for her pussy.

She squealed, gripping at the bed sheets. Her sounds were like music to my ears. So I hit her again and again and again until she was coming all over my hand.

Getting into the bed, I grabbed, squeezed and pulled her cheeks apart. Her pussy dripped, begging to be filled by my cock.

I glided my tongue over the folds of her heat, tasting what was mine. "Enzo please," she begged. "I want your cock inside me."

I kissed her ass, before taking my erection and ramming it inside her. She grunted, gripping at the bedsheets tighter so she wouldn't lose her balance.

The bed shook and squeaked under our weight as I continued to take her, her walls suffocating my dick.

Her moans became muffled as she shoved her face into the pillow. I looked down, watching myself stroke her sexy heat. My cock was wet with her juices, her stubborn little pussy sucking me in and trapping me inside her tightness.

"Look how strong that pussy is, sweetheart. Make me proud and come for me."

I fisted her hair, roughly pulling her head back and thrusting my hips with so much force that you could hear our skin clap each time we reconnected.

I maintained the same rhythm until she began to melt around me. I pulled out, groaning as I released my hot seed all over her spine.

She closed her eyes and I hooked my fingers around the back of her throat, pulling her up to my chest.

"I'm tired Enzo. Let me rest."

"No," I growled, biting her shoulder. "Fuck your sleep." I shoved her back onto her stomach. "We're not done until you drain every last drop of hatred from my cock."


I fucked her all the way into morning. We were both exhausted by the time I was through with her.

What happened between us wasn't love. It was pure, unadulterated hatred. And it was the kind we needed to eradicate months and months of pent up tension.

She rolled over into my chest, yawning as her eyes flutter open. She stared up at me with beautiful blue eyes and long dark lashes.

"I hate you," she whispered.

"I hate you too," I whispered back, kissing her forehead. She snuggles into me, her arms around my waist and her legs entwined with mine.

"What are we going to do about Max?" She mumbled.

I glance over at a dead Max lying in a pool of his own blood. I had completely forgotten about him.

"I'll have Javi dispose of his body." I grabbed my phone, dialing my bestfriend.

He picks up on the first ring. "Did you kill her? Is she dead?"

I put the phone on speaker and looked down at Rosalie. "Javi wants to know if your dead."

"I'm still alive Javi. Barely, but alive."

He sighed, worry replaced with anger. "What the hell were you two doing then!? I called both of you several times!" He kept rambling on and on, but paused, a flip of a switch seeming to go off in his head. "You two are in bed together, aren't you?"

"Sì(yes), we are," I replied, Rosalie blushing and giggling beside me.

"I want to say cazzo sì(fuck you), but you two already did that for me."

"Eight times to be exact," Rosalie added.

He sighed heavily into the phone, sounding like a frustrated father. "At least you two didn't kill anybody." He cursed when he was met with utter silence on our end. "Of course," he muttered, the dial tone filling our ears.


Rosalie's POV
Javier tossed the trash bag containing Max, er pieces of him in the trunk. "You two owe me for the hell your psychotic assess have put me through." He closed the trunk and joined us in the limo.

He took the seat across from us, shaking his head. "I want a stripper for my birthday just in case you're wondering what to gift me for my troubles."

When we returned back to the house a half an hour later, Javier retrieved Max from the trunk while Lorenzo and I headed inside. Taking the stairs up to the second floor, we remained silent as we reached our bedrooms located across from each other. I paused in front of my door, my hand resting on the door knob.

My gaze drifted to Lorenzo, who was also standing in the front of his door with his hand on the knob. Tonight changed things for the both of us. Something in my heart tells me that we will wake up tomorrow hating each other all over again. And it will be like tonight never happened.

He broke eye contact, looking away and slowly turning the door knob. I watched in silence as he walked inside and shut the door closed. I felt my heart sink, because I knew that the Lorenzo who made love to me on the couch in his office would be gone forever.

So I took my hand off the knob, turned around, and walked into Lorenzo's room. And I didn't stop walking until I was in his bed with my arms enveloped around his abdomen and my head snuggled in the warmth of his heat and my nose was dizzy with his manly scent.

He didn't push me away. Instead, he grabbed my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine. I closed my eyes, sighing with relief as I listened to his heart beat thrumming in my ears. I found comfort in knowing that this was his way of showing me that he didn't want to forget tonight either.

I never thought two chaotic people who brought the worse out of each other could find peace. So the feeling was strange, foreign. But it felt good. And despite the craziness of it all, tonight confirmed that although we were bad for each other, we were worse apart.

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