Chapter 23

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Later that day, I returned back home from my day of shopping with my sister in-laws. Lorenzo had finally removed his protective shackles from around my wrist and ankles. And I used my newfound freedom to my full advantage. I spent the rest of the day with my family and it felt great.

I searched around the house for Lorenzo, but he was nowhere to be found. I even asked some of the guys, but they all just shrugged and shook their heads.

I dropped my bagged items off in my room and went to find Javier. I knocked on his bedroom and waited for him to respond, before entering.

I pushed the door open and stepped inside. He was sitting on the edge of his bed with his back facing me.

"What's up, principessa mafiosa(mafia princess?" He glanced over his shoulder, flashing me with that pretty smile of his.

"I'm looking for Enzo."

Javier groaned, looking down at his lap. And that's when I saw a tuft of blonde hair in between his legs.

I gasped. "Greta!?"

She popped her head up, wiping at her mouth and blushing. "Oh my gosh! Mrs. Fierri-Sinisi!" She shot to her feet, an embarrassed and apologetic look on her face. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

I glared at Javier. "Why the hell would you tell me to come in if you were busy!?"

He shrugged. "She's got a great mouth, so I didn't feel like telling her to stop."

I rolled my eyes. "How long has this been going on?"

"Not very long," Greta replied, looking down at the floor.

"Are you forcing her?" I asked Javier, ready to beat his ass if he was.

"No, of course not!" Greta defended, before speaking in a whisper. "I... I wanted to."

"See?" Javier said with a smirk. "I haven't made the little freak do anything she hasn't wanted to do."

I folded my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes. "Whatver. But if you hurt my friend, I'll kill you."

"Yeah, yeah. Remind me to hide the knives from your crazy serial killing ass."

I flipped him off and left the room to continue my search for Lorenzo.

I was about to check his room a second time when Donny stopped me in the hallway to inform that he had returned and was in his office.

Thanking him, I headed to his office. The door was wide open, Lorenzo sitting behind his desk with that same picture I saw last night in his hands.

I knocked on the door frame and he looked up and gave me a single head nod. Closing the door behind me, I sat down in one of the chairs located in front of his desk. I crossed one leg over the other and asked, "are you okay?"

He ignored my question, instead asking, "How did you do it? How did you move on?"

"I didn't. But having my family has been a tremendous help."

I wanted to jump across his desk and hug him. But I didn't think a hug was what he needed right now.

I took the picture from his hands, staring down at a woman with beautiful black hair, golden green eyes, and freckles. They were practically twins they looked so much alike. It reminded me of Luna and how much she resembled Luciano.

"She's beautiful."

"Thank you," he said with a smile.

I handed him back the picture, and he slipped it back into the inner pocket of his suit jacket.

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