Chapter 28

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"No more underground fighting for you," I told him, replacing the old gauze with a fresh one and slipping his eye patch back on.

"It was one match, sweetheart."

"Enzo, you're blind in one eye. And did you forget that he almost killed you?"

"Death doesn't scare me. The only thing that scares me is the thought of losing you."

I slung my leg over his, straddling his lap as I played in his hair. I gave his lips a sweet peck and smiled. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I know you aren't, because I'm never letting you go. You belong to me," he growled.

I rotated my hips against his erection. "Prove it," I breathed out. "Prove I'm yours and yours alone."

I dug my fingers into his scalp, hating the layers of clothing keeping me from feeling him entirely.

I needed more.

And now.

I pushed myself off his lap and rushed to yank off my leggings and panties. Unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, I reached into his boxer briefs and whipped out his cock.

"In a hurry are we?" He questioned with a naughty grin and a tilt of his head.

"Shut up and fuck me." I demanded, horny and impatient. Slamming down onto his length, I hummed at the fullness.

His fingers grasped my pelvis, lifting me up, then back down onto him in a continuous tempo.

"I'm going to let that one slide," he mumbled, kissing and sucking at my neck. He drove his hips up, his pace faster and his thrusts deeper.

If he kept going like this, then I wasn't going to last another minute. I moaned, biting down hard on my lower lip.

"Sei così bella che rimbalza sul mio cazzo(You look so beautiful bouncing on my cock)."

"Cazzo, ti senti così bene(Fuck, you feel so good)."

Cupping his face with my hands, I pulled him away from my neck and kissed him. Our tongues clashed, the kiss rough, fervent, greedy.

I kept my lips on his, stifling my cries as I came, not wanting anyone to hear. We were fucking in the dining room in the middle of the day, so anyone could just walk in.

When Lorenzo was done, I grabbed a couple of paper towels and we cleaned ourselves up. I got dressed and left to go use the bathroom.

And when I returned, Lorenzo was speaking to Marcellius. They were standing in the living room, whispering about something in Italian.

But then they stopped when they saw me. Marcellius greeted me with a smile. I eyed the two of them suspiciously. Lorenzo hadn't mentioned anything about my brother stopping by today.

"Is everything okay?" I asked Marcellius, wondering what they had been talking about and why they felt the need to stop when I walked in.

"Everything's fine. I just thought I would stop by and speak with Enzo for a bit."

"About what?"

"Nothing you need to be concerned about."

"Don't you dare shut me out, Marcel."

He looks to Lorenzo, who gives him a nod of his head. Marcellius sighs and looks back at me. "One of my sources has informed me that Cosimo Ricci is coming after you two."

"With what? Enzo killed most of his men."

Lorenzo's is the next voice I hear. "No, actually, I didn't. I barely made a dent in Cosimo's men." He balls his hand into a fist, speaking through gritted teeth. "I should've just killed him when I had the chance."

"So how are we going to handle this?"

"I have a plan in mind, but it's going to take all of us working together as a team," Marcellius says, excusing himself when his phone begins ringing in his pocket.

"So you two were just going to go ahead and leave me in the dark?"

"It was safer that way, yes."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't need you or-"

He cut off my sentence by kissing me, the anger within me slowly dissipating. I looked up at him, confused, caught off guard, and feeling warm on the inside.

"And how many times do I have to tell you that I'm going to protect you whether you like it or not?" He countered, his voice gruff and his brow raised in question.

"I'm not your mother, Enzo."

"This isn't about my mother!" He yelled, raising his voice. "This is about me wanting my wife to be safe, because I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to you. Because if I lose you, then I have nothing else to live for!"

I stared at him, speechless and stunned by his confession. This whole time I had just been assuming that his overprotectiveness had to do with the loss of his mother. And not wanting another death to be on his hands.

But it's clear now that he's just afraid of losing another person he's cares about. Especially when he knows he now has a chance to do all he can to prevent it from happening again.

He couldn't prevent his mother's death, nor his father's. And it eats away at him from the inside out. It's why he struggles so hard to show affection, especially towards women. He doesn't want to risk growing attached just for them to be ripped from his heart.


Having turned his back to me, he slowly turns back around to face me, tears streaming down both of his eyes.

Gently wiping away his tears, I make sure he can see me before I tell him what I've been dying to tell him since the first time we made love.

"I love you."

He didn't respond, shocked. Which wasn't surprising, because I still couldn't believe it myself.

Love was never in the cards for me. At least that's what I thought my entire life. Anytime I got close to someone they either died or betrayed me. And as a result, I despised love. I didn't want any part of it.

But I realize that Mama Fierri was right. You don't choose love. Love chooses you. And love chose us.

"You don't have to say it back," I whispered, looking down at the floor. "It's okay if you never say it back. I just thought you should know."

"We have a problem," Marcellius interjected, walking back into the living room.

We both snapped our heads in his direction. "What is it?" Lorenzo asked, his tone serious.

"Nic just called. A limo blew up in the middle of Times Square. Three people were inside that vehicle, one of them being your friend, Javier."

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