Chapter 9

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Dinner time rolled around pretty quickly. I'd spent the afternoon touring the house with Greta, so I wouldn't get lost in this maze of a house. Between my brothers' house and this one, they were both equally confusing.

After taking a quick shower and getting dressed, I took a look at myself in the mirror. I wouldn't usually wear something like this, but because I knew it would piss off Lorenzo, I had to put it on.

A red sheath plunging neckline with a slit that damn near reached my pelvis. The entire back was out, my breasts sitting perky despite being apart of the itty bitty titty committee.

I finished the look with a pair of red bottoms, some gold dangling earrings, and a dark nude lip that I'm pretty sure was the same color as my nipples.

I had my hair flat ironed and pulled back into a high pony tail that swayed with every step I took. Walking out onto the balcony, I watched as Lorenzo's business friends arrived one by one.

Once the last person had arrived, I started to make my entrance. I strode down each step with grace and poise.

Javier was the first to notice my presence. He turned, his eyes skimming over my attire before muttering a curse in Italian. "Merda(shit). Here we go."

Hearing Javier curse under his breath, Lorenzo slowly turned to see why all of his business friends were staring in my direction with their mouths hung open.

His eyes floated up to me as I stepped down from the last step and greeted each of the men with a smirk on my face. Lorenzo was fuming. Which only made the smirk on my face stretch even wider.

"Hi, I'm Rosalie, Enzo's wife."

Referring to myself as Lorenzo's wife made me want to throw up over all these expensive looking suits.

Shaking each of their hands, I caught every last one of them looking at my breasts with hungry eyes. Which of course, only added to the anger already coursing through Lorenzo's veins.

Javier cleared his throat, sensing the fury radiating from his friend. "Thank you for coming gentlemen. Let me escort you to the dining room. I'm sure you're all famished."

"Indeed I am," one bald headed man said, making it quite painfully obvious that he was eye fucking me.

I flashed them one last smile, before Javier led the group of business men out of the foyer and into the dining room.

Once we were alone, Lorenzo grabbed my throat and slammed me into a nearby wall. A gasp tumbled from my lips at the sudden aggression. I could hardly breathe, his fingers digging into my neck.

But even with my life in his hands, the smirk on my face remained.

"What the fuck are you wearing!?" He growled out.

I took the leg where my slit was and brushed my leg up his calf and thigh. "What?" I cooed seductively. "You don't like?"

"This is not the dress I had out for you," he snarled, using his free hand to shove my leg back onto the ground. "Go change. Now!"

"No," I snapped back.

I pressed my palms against his chest and pushed him back as hard as I could. He stumbled back, his tuxedo now wrinkled.

"You're not the boss of me. I'll wear whatever the hell I want and you can't stop me." I gifted him the bird, before joining our guests in the dining room.

When Javier only saw that I had returned, he sent a glare my way that said, "You've gone too far," and left to go calm Lorenzo down.

Shrugging, I took a seat at the opposite end of the table from Lorenzo's and took a sip of my wine.

When Javier finally returned with Lorenzo, he took his seat two chairs down while Lorenzo took his place at the head of the table.

His eyes locked onto mine as he lifted his glass, his grip so tight that I was surprised the glass hadn't shattered.

He's definitely still pissed.

"Are you alright?" One of the men asked, pulling my attention away from an enraged Lorenzo.

"Yes, why?"

He discreetly motioned to the pinkish-red marks Lorenzo's fingers had left on my neck. I have a high pain tolerance, so sometimes I fail to notice when I've been hurt.

I grazed the marks with my fingers, smiling. "It's nothing. I just like it a little rough is all."

The man's face burned bright red. Having been chewing on a piece of steak, he choked, the piece of meat going down the wrong tube.

Coughing, he quickly downed his wine. Gaining the concerned gaze of everyone, he raised his hand to assure them that he was fine.

To which, Lorenzo continued what he was saying. "When my son is born, I want everything to be passed down to him. My wife," he says, looking up at me, "will get nothing."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't want shit from you anyway. Fucking bastard," I murmured, only it was loud enough for everyone at the table to hear.

"Watch your mouth when you're speaking to me."

"Or what?" I challenged, pushing myself onto my feet. He tells me how I should act and picks out my clothes. He might as well spoon feed me. "Will you take me over your knee and handle me like some damn toddler?"

"Sedersi. Fuori uso(Sit. Down)," he ordered.

Javier brushed a hand over his face, groaning in exhaustion. "I think we should call this a night gentlemen."

They all nodded in agreement and hurriedly took their leave before they witnessed a murder.

"I can't with the two of you. You couldn't at least pretend to be in love for an hour?" He shook his head in disappointment. "I'm going to bed. Don't kill each other please."

Leaving us alone yet again, I finished the rest of my wine and started walking towards the grand staircase.

Lorenzo caught up to me and grabbed my wrist, whipping me around to face him. "I've had enough of your bullshit."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Stop with the bullshit. I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work. You belong to me now. And you will do your job as my wife from here on out."

"I don't belong to you, or anyone else for that matter. And if you think I'd ever fuck you, then-"

He roughly grasped my jaw with his other hand, preventing me from finishing my sentence. "Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart. I would rather fuck a cactus."

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