Chapter 27

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Lorenzo blocked my punch with his glove, his left hand shooting out to counter jab me. Luckily, I shifted to the right in time before he could clip me with a nasty blow to my rib cage.

Jumping back to create distance, I scanned for any openings and decided to use the power jab he taught me in our last training session.

Taking a step forward just as he was closing in, I pivoted on my front foot and jabbed. He fell backward, landing straight on his ass. He looked up at me with a stunned expression, before giving me a proud smile and a nod of approval.

"You've improved."

"So does that mean you'll let me fight in the ring tonight?" I asked, hopeful.


My brows knitted together at his response. I watched him rip the tape off his gloves with his teeth before tossing them over the ring. "Even after I've kicked your ass not once, but three times in a row, you still doubt me."

He glared up at me through furrowed brows. "I'm not doubting you, Rosalie. I just didn't train you to kill. I trained you to survive."

"Killing is surviving," I countered.

"Not when you could be the one that's killed."

"So you don't think I could win?"

"Come," he ordered. I approached him, sitting down in front of him so he could remove my gloves. He ripped off the tape, removed the gloves, and looked me in my eyes. "You're trying to pick a fight with me, but you've already lost."

I rolled my eyes and he grabbed my chin, forcing me to meet his hardened gaze. "Although your confidence is highly attractive and makes me want to bend you over and have my way with you, I stand by my decision. I'm not putting you in the ring. End. Of. Discussion."

Determined to draw a different outcome out of him, I bit my lip and got on my knees. Pushing him back, so he was propped up on his elbows, I skated my hand down his chest and brushed my fingers over his crotch. He immediately grew stiff at my touch, a low groan leaving his lips.

Leaning forward, I captured his lower lip in between my teeth and tugged. Releasing my hold, I kissed him passionately with a little tongue and pulled back.

This time a moan left his lips. I smiled, still vigorously rubbing him through his shorts. "Do you want to come?" I asked, feeling he was about to explode at any minute.

He nodded, his lips slightly parted and his eyes ablaze with ecstasy. "Where?" I cooed, my voice sultry and erotic. "In my mouth? On my ass? Or maybe in between the slope of my breasts?"

He just hummed, too overwhelmed with pleasure to voice his desires. "Maybe I'll just make you come right in your underwear."

I blew into his ear, a devious smile plastered on my face, as I stopped my torture only for him to curse at not being able to climax just yet. "Let me fight tonight, and I'll let you come anywhere you want on or in my body."


I was certain that would have worked, but I guess he's harder to crack than I thought. I huffed, shoving him forcefully and hopping down from the ring. "Have fun with your hand," I said with a wave of my hand, leaving him to finish what I started.


"I can't believe I'm saying this shit, but I'm with Enzo on this one," Nic said, nursing the glass of whiskey in his hand.

"But it's not fair," I whined.

"Keeping your life isn't fair?" Cesare questioned.

"You know what I mean, C." I sighed in frustration, my bottom lip protruding out into a pout. "I just want one match. That's all I want."

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