Chapter 21

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"I said I'm fine," I snapped at Lorenzo, growing frustrated by his overexcessive need to check to see if Rafael had hurt me for the hundredth time tonight. "Don't act like you care about me all of a sudden. You just want to make sure your precious incubator isn't damaged."

"Maybe so, but you're still my wife. And it's my job to protect you whether you like it not."

"I don't need your protection."

"Maybe not, but your wet little pussy proved just how much you liked it last night."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Javier cut in. "You two fucked?"

"No!" We both shouted at him simultaneously.

"So why..." Javier pieced two and two together, a creepy little smile forming on the perverts lips. "Ah, so Enzo finally got a taste of the principessa mafiosa(mafia princess)." He looked to his friend, nudging him like I wasn't standing right here. "So how did she taste?"

"Don't make me cut you."

"Hey, it was just a question," Javier protested in defense. "I'm sure you taste great."

I rolled my eyes at his comment.


I miss my sister in-laws.

Finishing up our dinner, Donny shared a look and nod with Lorenzo, before exiting the way he came.

Lorenzo cleared his throat. "Will you be joining us tonight, Rosalie?"

"Of course. I want to be there to watch that bastard die."


Rafael was in some sort of torture chamber down in the basement hanging upside down by his ankles.

He was covered in cuts, bruises, and blood from head to toe. He was also missing a few teeth and fingers. His eyes were swollen shut, nearly unconscious as he swung back and forth from the chain causing ligature marks around his ankles.

The man was damn near unrecognizable.

"However you wish to end him is up to you," Lorenzo said from behind me. "He's all yours."

"I don't care how it's done. I just want him dead."

Lorenzo takes a step forward, his hands on my hips. Fingers burn holes into my clothing as they caress my skin. I'm not sure what he's doing until he lifts my shirt and retrieves the gun I keep strapped on me at all times.

"Take him out yourself," he commands, placing the weapon in my hands.

I realize that this is another test. A way to prove how strong I really am. Taking the gun off safety, I aim the muzzle of the shiny black gun at Rafael's head.

My hand starts to unexpectedly shake. This has never happened before. I don't know why I'm so hesitant to pull the trigger. I'm a freaking professional killer!

Maybe it's because this is the first life in my hands that wasn't a contract kill. Or maybe it's because I'm not hundreds of feet away with a sniper in my hands. Or maybe it's because this time it's personal.

I don't know. But whatever the reason may be, it's preventing me from taking this man's life. This should be easy considering what he's done, or tried to do. And not to mention my occupation. I kill people without any hesitation and yet here I am... hesitating.

Lorenzo makes note of my reluctance and leans down, whispering in my ear. "If you're ever going to stand even a chance of surviving in the Mafia, then you're going to have to grow a pair. It's either kill or be killed. There's no in between. Nor is there time to waste, so make up your mind."

I take in a deep breath, close my eyes, and pull the trigger. The sound echoes, bouncing off the walls.

And when I open my eyes a second later, my attacker is no more.


"How are my nieces and nephews?"

"Good. Missing their zia(aunt)," Evelyn says, holding up Romero for me to see.

I coo at my nephew, resulting in an adorable smile and giggle from him. "I miss you guys so much."

I haven't seen my family in weeks. Although Lorenzo's not as uptight as he used to be, he's still very cautious about letting me leave the house. At first I thought he was just being a sexist jackass, but now I'm starting to think it has something to do with his mother. I'm not sure what, but my gut is telling me that I'm not too far off the mark.

"Is Enzo still being a grump?"

"Yeah, but at least we're finally starting to get along. Or at least to the point of not wanting to shoot, stab, or strangle each other."

"Good, because the last time we spoke expensive furniture and decor were being thrown, words were being said, and you and Enzo were trying to kill each other... again."

"Speaking of the grump, I better go check on him."

He's been out in the garden for the last two hours. And I'm starting to get a little worried, especially with how dark it's gotten outside.

"Look at you being a wife."

"Oh shut up," I say with a laugh, before saying goodbye and ending the call.

Slipping my feet into a pair of warm slippers, I trudge out into the cold night air. Fluffy white snow blankets the ground, the chilly breeze whipping past me causing my hair to flap in the wind.

I wrapped my arms around my body in an attempt to trap in heat. I shouldn't have come out here without a coat, but it seems I still have yet to learn my lesson.

Lorenzo is sitting on the bench when I find him, frost nipping at his cheeks, ears, and nose. He's looking down at something in his hand. It looks like a picture.

He sniffles, looking up and over at me. He quickly wipes away the evidence, not wanting me to see him in such a vulnerable state. "What are you doing out here in the cold?"

"I should be the one asking you that."

"Dont worry about what I'm doing. Go back inside."

"Everyime I think we've made progress, you push me away. Why is that?"

"I'm not in the mood to converse with you right now. So can you please just leave me alone."

"Enzo, I'm trying to be nice here."

"Well stop," he retorted. "And go back inside."

He was being especially rude and standoffish today. Like he just really didn't care about anyone or anything. Which wouldn't be unusual to me if he wasn't currently sitting outside crying at a picture and freezing his ass off.


He jolted to his feet shouting, "I said go back inside and leave me the fuck alone!" Spit went flying, the veins in his neck just as angry as he was.

I didn't even flinch. I've seen his worse, and I'm no longer afraid. He's not going to hurt me anymore. "Enzo... please," I begged. "Please let me in."

His once angry features soften, his eyes filled with deep sorrow and pain. He looks so much like a little boy, those golden green eyes of his flooded with tears.

I inched towards him, taking caution as I approached him. Hesitant, I snaked my arms around his waist and embraced him with the kind of hug my brothers give me.

He didn't move, staying as still as a statue and allowing me to hold him. "You don't have to tell me anything," I whispered softly. "Just please don't push me away."

I'm not a very affectionate person. Marcellius tells me it runs in the family. Which is surprising, because my brothers hug me every chance they get. Especially Niccolo.

But I guess when it comes down to family, even Fierri's are willing to let down their guard in order to comfort another. It's how we maintain our humanity despite our occupations. And without it, our family line would have died a long time ago.

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