Chapter 4

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Lorenzo's POV
When Javier told me that he'd found the woman I was expected to marry I didn't believe him. And I had a right to do so since I thought she'd died in the gas leak explosion with her mother.

But apparently, she's more of a fighter than I originally thought. She might even be a warrior. Which would usually turn me on, but the thought of marrying someone with the blood of a Fierri running through their veins makes me want to set myself on fire.

The thought of marriage in itself makes me want to join my father in the afterlife... wherever that may be.

I don't deny the fact that my father was a perverted dictator that got off on seeing the people around him become pawns in his game of chess.

He was a great father towards me. An asshole of a person yes, but a father none the less.

"If she's alive as you claim, then why hasn't Marcellius contacted me?"

Javier shrugged. "Maybe he's backing out."

As much as I'd like for this contract to be annulled so I can be free of the unwanted responsibilities my father bestowed upon me, he's dead now.

And I owe it to him to see this marriage through. Not only for the sake of preventing another war between the two Mafias, but to provide an heir who will continue carrying the Sinisi name for many generations to come.

"I'll give our dear friend a call. And if I learn that he's intentionally keeping his baby sister from me, then I'll have no choice but to drag her ass back here myself."

Javier practically choked on the laughter he tried so hard to hide from me. I sent a glare his way, a brow quirked in question. "Am I amusing you?"

"Very much so." He shifted from his manspread position and leaned forward, a glass of my finest scotch in his hand. "I don't doubt your skill amico(friend), but do you really think you will be able to take on all three of her brothers and win?"

I stared back at my half Italian and half Spainard friend, knowing everything that just came out of his mouth was nothing but pure fact.

I had no chance against the Fierri brothers. Taking on just one brother alone is a death wish.

But then again, I've never been afraid of death.


Donny, a member of the Mafia stepped into the room, waiting for my instruction. "Put the Fierri boss on the phone."

He tipped his head in acknowledgement at my request and left the room.

When he returned with a phone in hand, I thanked him and took the phone from him. Pressing it up to my ear, I waited for Marcellius to speak.

"Lorenzo," his deep voice boomed, demanding power and attention like the leader he is.

"Marcellius." I paused before speaking again. "Credo che tu stia tenendo in ostaggio la mia fidanzata. Ho ragione(I believe you're holding my fiancée hostage. Am I correct)?"

Marcellius growled into the phone. "Watch your tone boy."

I simply chuckled, amused by the Mafia Boss' short temper. "I'm simply wondering why the news of the principessa mafiosa(mafia princess) being alive was kept secret?"

"It was never kept secret," he said in English. "Rosalie doesn't know about the arrangement made between our fathers."

It made sense considering she was pretty young when she was presumed dead. I didn't know about the arrangement until I was almost twelve years old.

And because she was thought to be dead at the time, there was no arranged marriage to think about.

"Apologies for insinuating that you would break the rules of the contract."

He sighed. "Give me some time to tell her. We just got her back."

"The clock is ticking Marcellius Fierri." He hung up and I handed the phone back to Donny. Javier stared at me, while he sipped his scotch. "What?" I questioned with a roll of my eyes. "I know you have something to say, so spit it out."

"You've got some serious balls on you to speak so boldly to a Fierri like that."

"They're nothing but a name. Remove the title and they're simply the gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe."

"I bet you wouldn't say that to their face."

"No, I wouldn't. But only because we will soon become family. So it's best I don't poke the bear, yes?"

Javier nodded and stood to his feet. Tossing back the last bit of the alcoholic drink, he set the glass down on my desk and turned to make an exit.

He paused, his hand on the door knob as he glanced back at me. "Just in case you were wondering," he said with a smirk. "Your fiancée is pretty cute for a Fierri."

He winked as he said this, before finally taking his leave. I smiled at him and shook my head. I'd believe Javier if he didn't spend so much time sleeping with every woman he laid his perverted eyes on.

It's not like I care what she looks like anyway. As long as she's fertile, I don't much care how "cute" she is.


I don't know the reason as to why Javier dragged me to this overly crowded club full of half naked women and sweaty people humping one another.

"Isn't this the nightclub owned by the Fierri brothers?" I asked Javier, fighting the urge to sanitize my body from all the germ infested bodies frequently bumping up against me.

"You're so uptight, Enzo." I followed him over to the bar, in which he was busy ordering us each a shot of God knows what. He turned around and handed me the shot glass before downing his own. "You need to loosen up."

"I am loose," I protested, shoving the glass back in the direction of the bartender.

I don't drink unless I'm in the comfort of my own home. I can't allow any of my enemies to believe that I've let my guard down.

"Oh please," Javier scoffed. "Don't give me that bullshit. I've seen the way you've been side eyeing everybody here."

"I just don't like parties, Javi. You know how uncomfortable they make me."

"We're surrounded by sexy ass women and you're uncomfortable?"

My issue wasn't with women- entirely. And he knew that. My issue was with the environment. My father raised me to be a businessman, and not some dumbass frat boy. So excuse me for not seeing how a nightclub will benefit me in any way.

Suddenly, Javier was whipping me around. "Oh shit. Look, it's her."

"Who?" I questioned, looking around to see who had caught his attention. The man had the eyes of a hawk. I'm not saying my eyesight was bad, but it wasn't nearly as good as his.

"Your fiancée. She's here."

Just as he said that, my eyes locked onto a woman around my age dressed in a tight leather dress. She was sitting in one of the booths, slowly sipping on the champagne in her hand while watching the people around her have a good time.

I almost didn't see her with the way she sat isolated from the craziness of the club. Javier was right when he said she was cute. But words couldn't even describe how echanting she was.

She sat straight with her smooth and slender legs crossed as she carefully pressed her rosy red lips to the glass. She had this beautiful head of black curls that flowed gracefully with every turn of her head. And her eyes. Her eyes that seemed to change from blue to green depending on the light was truly compelling.

"See, I told you she's cute," Javier said, nudging my shoulder and bringing me down to reality.

I shrugged, not wanting to prove him right. "Eh, she's alright."

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