Chapter 13

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Stepping out of the shower, I peeled away the motel towel from around my body and stared at my naked body in the mirror.

I winced from the pain, my eyes focused on the pinkish purple bruise Lorenzo left near my rib cage. I wasn't as badly banged up he was. I had a couple cuts and bruises, and my ass still stung, but other than that I was perfectly fine.

But Lorenzo on the other hand, he was probably dead. Aside from all the damage I'd caused, he'd lost a lot of blood from the knife I left daggered in his abdomen.

Rewrapping the towel securely around my body, I walked back into the main area of the motel room. Feeling uneasy, I listened to my instincts and quickly grabbed the handgun I stole from Enzo's weaponry room and aimed at the door.

"Show yourself."

The knob turned slowly, my heart racing as the door opened. I took the gun off safety, ready to take down the intruder.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't shoot. I have a wife and kids at home."

I sighed, lowering my weapon when I realized it was my brother Cesare. Marcellius and Niccolo were also with him. They stepped inside, their tall frames making the already small room feel cramped.

"How did you guys find me?" I asked, plopping down on the edge of the bed with the gun at my side.

"I put a tracking chip on your phone. Luciano taught me how before he... you know," he said, trailing off and quickly replacing his frown with a smile.

"Is there a reason you are here and not with your husband?" Marcellius barked impatiently, causing me to jerk my head in his direction, a fatherly scowl I've grown accustomed to marking his hard, rugged features.

"We got into another fight. He put his hands on me, so I stabbed him and left him for dead."

"You did what?" Marcellius growled, his voice louder and angrier. "I gave you simple instructions-"

"It's been three fucking months Marcel!" I shouted, cutting him off.

He pointed his index finger at me, stepping forward. "Don't interrupt me when I'm talking! I told you to wait."

"Yeah and you also told me that it would be all over soon. But you lied to me." I shoved him back when he got real close, his eyes softening when he noticed the tears in my eyes. "All I wanted was my family. I never signed up for all this shit. I'm going back to Italy."

Grabbing the gun, I shifted past Marcellius and made my way towards the door. Niccolo stepped in front of me, blocking my exit. "Move Nic."

"No. We're not losing you again."

"Nic..." I pleaded, not wanting to fight with my brothers. "Please move."

"Just give us time to make this right, sorellina(little sister)."

"Time? All you've had is time. And I'm done. I'm done waiting for you guys to come rescue me. I'll do this on my own. Now, don't make me repeat myself a second time fratello(brother)," I demanded, looking up at Niccolo.

"Let her go Nic," I heard Cesare say with a sigh.

"Fine," he murmured, sadness evident in his tone. Before stepping out of the way, he removed his shirt and suit jacket, handing them to me. "Put this on first. I don't want you to freeze to death."

Giving him a tight-lipped smile, I nodded and retreated back into the bathroom. Once clothed, I hugged each of brothers one by one. Saying goodbye, I fought back tears, the sad look on all their faces making my departure that much more difficult.

It's not that I wanted to leave, because I didn't. My plan had been to move to America and spend the rest of my life with them, but I can't.

Not anymore.

If Lorenzo's still alive, then he'll most likely come after me. And I don't want my family being at risk, because of our disdain for one another. I have to handle this on my own.

"If you need us..." Marcellius said softly.

"I know," I cut in. You're just one phone call away," I finished.

"Exactly," he replied with a warm, gentle smile, watching me open the door and walk out of their lives for what could possibly be forever.


"Thank you for meeting with me."

"No problem," Valeria said, handing me the plain long sleeved tee, sweats, beanie, and the coat she brought from back at the house. "I know what it's like to be on the run from your spouse."

She told me awhile ago about what happened with her ex-husband. He's the reason my brother's dead and I'll never be able to meet him.

"So do you think this is the right way to go? Running away?"

"Honestly, I don't know," she replied, sitting down on the bench outlooking the playground where Luna was swinging from the monkey bars. "When I finally escaped, I didn't know where I wanted to go. Anywhere was fine as long as it was away from him."

"So how did you end up running to Luciano?"

She shrugged. "Sometimes life has a way of bringing two people together whether you think you're meant to be together or not."

I contemplated what she said, wondering why my brothers didn't try hard enough to stop me from causing a war between the two families.

Is it because they feel bad about what our father did to me? I was expecting them to put up a fight, which they kind of did, but gave up rather quickly. Are they really willing to risk going to war for the sake of my happiness?

"Maybe I should go back."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm being selfish, Val. Of course I don't want to stay married to that abusive bastard, but... I'd rather lose my freedom than to see my family hurt."

"Then you have your answer."

"You're right, I do," I responded with a nod of my head. "Even though this is the last thing I ever wanted to do, I'll just have to find a way to get along with my enemy."

"Good luck."

"Thanks. I'm sure going to need it."

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