Chapter 11

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Rosalie's POV
Curled up on the couch with my phone in hand and the rose in the other, I told Evelyn about what happened last night.

I stared at the fireplace, the heat coming from the orange and yellow flames thawing out my frost bitten fingers and toes.

I probably shouldn't have been out in the cold without more layers, but it was early in the morning and I wasn't in the mood to throw on anymore clothes.

"You sure you don't want me to tell your brothers about what happened? I mean the man choked you."

"I'm not a little girl, Ev. I can handle a little choking."

She groaned. "Ew, you're starting to sound like Autumn."

An unwelcome image of my brother and Autumn together suddenly crosses my mind, resulting in me shaking my head incessantly in an attempt to erase the thought from my mind.

"Let's change the subject. I'd rather not think about my brothers partaking in sexual intercourse."

"Sexual intercourse?" Evelyn questioned with a laugh. "You sound like a virgin."

"That's because I am."

"Wait, you didn't consumate the wedding with Enzo last night?"

"Nope. And I'm not going to. I don't want my first time to be with a controlling jackass like him."

"You do know you're married right?"

"Yeah and?" I questioned, eyeing the black pearl still shining brightly on my ring finger. "We may be married on paper, but nothing about this relationship is marital. It's a business. And I don't mix business with pleasure."

"And Enzo's okay with this?"

"He and I have made it pretty clear to one another that we don't want anything to do with each other. Especially Enzo. He'd apparently rather fuck a cactus than to go anywhere near me."

"Damn, he sounds like my ex-husband."

I remember Cesare mentioning something about Evelyn being married once before. The relationship between them was pretty terrible after they had Rylee.

Which only aids in my reasoning as to why men and marriages are a complete waste of time.

I wouldn't be married right now if it wasn't for my father agreeing to pass me off to Enzo after just minutes of coming out of my mother's vagina. I'm starting to see why my brothers hated him. He only cares about himself.


I turned my head, Javier standing with a hand shoved in the pocket of his navy blue slacks. I told Evelyn that I had to go and hung up, before giving Javier my full attention.

"Enzo would like to speak with you in his office."

"Did he say what for?"

"Nope," Javier replied, popping the P as he walked away, a small smile playing on his lips.

Rolling my eyes, I set the rose down on the nightstand beside me and went off to find Lorenzo's office. I had to ask one of his men because I ended up getting lost, to in which he offered to escort me.

Thanking him, I knocked on the door. When Lorenzo's voice sounded through my ears, I pushed the door open, stepped inside, and closed it shut behind me.

"What do you want?"

He sighed, brushing an inked hand over his stubbled chin as if he was struggling to control the anger burning inside him.

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