Chapter 8

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The drive to the house was silent, Lorenzo looking out one window and I the other. My legs were crossed, my arms folded over my chest, while he sat manspread with his arms also folded over his chest.

The ride was even more awkward, because Javier was sitting across from us, his honey brown eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of us.

"This little feud you two have going on is adorable, truly adorable," he said with an annoyed chuckle. "But you have a job to do. And it must be done tonight."

"I'm not doing shit with him," I said stubbornly.

"And I'm not doing shit with her," he barked back, equally as stubborn as I.

Javier groaned in frustration and sifted a hand through his hair. "I'm sure you two don't need a lesson on how babies are made, but it does require you two to 'do shit' with one another."

Neither of us responded. We had made up our minds. Not even the thought of a possible war taking place could convince us to participate in something as intimate as sex.

When the driver pulled up to the front of the house, I didn't bother waiting for him to open my door. Stepping out of the vehicle and slamming the door shut, I grabbed my belongings from the trunk and headed inside.

I paused in front of the entrance, a group of men camped out in the wide open kitchen decked out in black decor. Lorenzo seemed to also be fond of the color black like my brothers. Or maybe it's just a Mafia thing. Who knows.

Some of them were familar as they had attended the reception, while the others were unfamiliar. They all stopped talking to turn and look at me.

Once again, I had unknowingly placed myself in the spotlight. I could hear them mumbling something about me being hot and praising their boss for bagging a hot woman.

One looked directly at me as vulgar words left his mouth. "All I need is one night with her," he said with a devilish grin. "I'd fuck her like the little whore she is." All the men broke out in a fit of laughter, which angered me to my core.

I dropped my belongings and swiftly approached the man who made the filthy remark. They were all too busy laughing to notice that I had snatched the kitchen knife off the table.

Before there was any time to react, I stabbed the man right in his hand. He howled out in pain, the knife having pinned his now bloodied hand to the kitchen table.

The men around him gasped in horror, their eyes wide as they focused their attention on me. "Does anyone else have anything they would like to say?"

They just blinked at me, taken aback. When no one spoke, I clasped my hands together and smiled. "Good, then we understand each other."

As I was walking back to the entrance to grab my things, Lorenzo and Javier walked in. They paused, taking in the scene in front of them, the man I stabbed still wailing in pain.

"What happened here?" Lorenzo asked calmly, a brow raised and his eyes now on me.

"Apparently, your men think they can just make comments about fucking me and I won't retaliate."

"Damn. That is so fucking hot," Javier groaned, earning a glare from his friend.

Lorenzo's eyes floated back to his men, sheer terror in their eyes. I didn't know if they were afraid of my actions, or more afraid of what their Boss was going to do.

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