The girl in a lock

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I used to think that things like this only happened in the movies. Yet here I was, with Kara next to me. Thank God she was here, because if she wasn't, who would cover my eyes?

I raised the volume on a Weeknd song to drown out the slurping.

"Give me one of your earbuds!"Kara yells with pleading eyes. Seriously even her hands were in prayer position.

There was absolutely no way I'd give one up and possibly hear Nova sucking Idris's face off.

"Sorry I can't hear you."

Her pretty hybrid eyes darken, "You better give me one of those fucking earbuds before I-"

Raise the volume.

Late at night a lockdown was called. I was sitting in my room with Nova and Kara when the windows shut and locked firmly.

"The fuck is that?" I ask Kara rising to my feet in a cautious stance. The lights on the room turn a bright white and the doors snap shut and lock.

Then Caleb's authoritative voice booms through the intercom. In the same moment I felt too much shock and fear in my system. I sank into my bed.

"Unplug all outlets and make sure your doors and windows locked. Pull down the silver shields on your windows carefully and secure the second lock. No one attempt to leave your room under any circumstance. We are currently under a hard lockdown. I repeat a hard lockdown."

Nova heads to the closet in search of something and Kara just closes her eyes.

"If anyone is found lurking in the halls they will immediately be taken to a safe room or depending on circumstance be taken to the cells." He says darkly and even I feel fear.

"All pack members with a rank of or higher than six are to leave their rooms and report to the first floor. I repeat again this a hard lockdown given under Alpha orders. No one in, no one out. Running of perimeters will not occur tonight. I will personally be going through the halls. You are not to open your door to anyone but me. The lockdown is now in full effect." And then his voice was gone. I feel the hole in my chest expand to a gaping, painful chasm.

"What do you think happened?" Nova says emerging from the closet. She plants herself on the bed next to me. Her skinny legs in criss-cross formation.

"It's probably nothing," Kara sighs and sits next to us on the bed, "you know what he's like. Any small thing and suddenly the entire packs under lockdown. Someone's missing? That must mean we have fucking Hannibal Lector eating the pups in the kitchen." She lets out another string of expletives that leave me dizzy.

"He seemed pretty edgy." Nova comments and dumps the contents of the bag onto the bed.

Kara's eyes widen and I just laugh.

"You could have found something better than a few glocks Nova." I tease watching her deft hands load the guns she took from the closet.

"Close your mouth Kara. What did you expect me to get out the closet?" Nova's eyes light up as she looks to Kara. This is probably one of the only times Nova looks to be truly in control of the situation.

"I don't know. Ben Barnes?"

"You would never be so lucky-"

A loud thud penetrates the calm silence we once had.

I look at the rest of them. They look back at me just as confused and scared.

Then I hear it again. A body or animal throwing itself at the door, retracting and throwing itself again.

The Girl's Dark Mate (COMPLETED but currently rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now