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(arsonist's lullaby, hozier)

"Love doesn't dance as lightly
on the tongues of girls like us
girls who don't choose
those who catch their eyes
only the type of liquor that
will make it easier to slug
fate or God or genetics
whatever it is that made us like this
put sin in our mothers wombs
raised us from the dead
made us see ourselves die
over and over again"

-Confessions of a Girl walking Backwards

-Confessions of a Girl walking Backwards

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    She doesn't know much of that night. No one does. But she, Alex, knows the most.

around three years ago

    2:36 A.M: im on my way

    That was an hour and thirty minutes ago and she should be home by now.

    It was late summer, one of those nights where the air was still hot and sticky even in the early hours of the morning. Nova was asleep and so were her parents - all upstairs tucked away and dreaming.

    Alex couldn't sleep. She relived her fight with Audrey in her mind as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. The laptop on her legs had begun to feel hot and she adjusted it. There was little to be done in the dead of night, but if she wasn't going to sleep then she might as well be down stairs waiting for her sister.

    Her feet and hands work on muscle memory to get her down the steps in the darkness.

    "You're not going," Alex locks her window and crosses her arms in front of it.

    "He is coming with me." Audrey seethes, trying to get Alex to see reason. "I'm not going by myself."

    Alex laughs bitterly, throwing her head back, "Darren is exactly the f.ucking problem Audrey. The last time you came back high as a kite on God knows what. And do you know what just made it even better? Huh?" She cocks her head to the side when Audrey casts hers downward. "He had a fucking concussion. And what did he do after that Audrey? Did you guys make up? Or did you follow him around like a dog for the next six months. I don't f.ucking care if he decided to take you back, you are not going to this party."

    Audrey sits up with reddened cheeks, "Stop this Alex, you don't get to control my life for me. I'm my own person. You don't have a say in what I can and can't do."

    "I most definitely have a say when you are a f.ucking idiot." These words came from gritted teeth and utter frustration.

    "Thanks for that," Audrey nods, tucking a piece of red hair behind her ear as she blinks back tears. Her lip goes between her teeth to hold back a sob.

    Alex softens, she hadn't meant to say that to that but her fear was rising in her chest. She reaches for her sister who flinches back.

The Girl's Dark Mate (COMPLETED but currently rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now