The girl's everything

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This MAY be just a bit racy (ha) for some readers, so continue with caution I suppose

SONG- Often, The Weeknd
"So what are you saying? That my mother Gilded me? Willingly?! Is that what you mean by my fucking disease?" I scream at Caleb. My fingers were itching to lunge for his throat.

I don't understand why he didn't tell me before. Especially if it had to do with me becoming a half breed.

I know that my eyes mark me as part wolf and that Nova has the same eye color. But Audrey didn't. For down reason I don't remember ever having a eye color even though silver couldn't have been mine to begin with.

Poor broken Caleb, who can't seem to do anything right. Things stood on a balance for him and when he wanted it, it tipped and toppled over.

I picture a boy with golden hair and a small, lithe, tanned body, feeling the need to join his sister as he cries over her gilded body.

I picture a boy with a beautiful set of silver eyes, staring helplessly off into the shore of a glistening lake, wondering if his sister would rise out and take his hand.

I picture a boy with strong hands, taking charge of a pack by day, and curling in on himself at night, hoping that something would remove the pain from his heart.

I do not, however, see this Caleb standing in front of me. Strong and powerful. Too forcefully intense for the average she-wolf. Not one part of his exterior would hint at his deteriorating soul.

I see his tall frame, broad shoulders, muscular arms, hard chest, long legs, sturdy exterior. Impenetrable to the naked eye. His silver gaze never falters, nor does his voice.

Caleb is truly an enigma because he should not exist. He should not be standing here in front of me. He should be in tatters on the floor. A heaping mess of a man that could have been great.

He has molded a perfect persona onto himself- except it's fake. Faker than anything I've ever known. And if he kept this up, he would crumble faster than any well protected empire he thinks he brought up.

That's why I must break him down, shatter him completely, and then build him back up, stealthier and fiercer than before.

I grab his forearms harshly, twisting his body around, and shoving him backwards until he reaches the bed. I push him down and pounce onto him.

His mouth drops in surprise. He laughs at my domineering actions.

"Once again if you wanted me, you merely had to do was ask." He says sly, his lips pulling into a grin.  Small amounts of tension leave his frame.

"So funny," I comment and pin his arms down to the bed. My hips lock his lower body so he cannot move.

He freezes when I do this. I look down and see out compromising position. My hips pressed firmly against his. He was breathing heavily and so was I.

My chest was touching his.

Something in the bond kicked in. I felt warmth pool in my stomach.

Slowly I rocked my hips over his, testing his reaction.

Caleb's eyes got even brighter, "God-what are you doing to me?"

I look at him innocently, "what are you talking about?"

I entwine our fingers together and raise our hands high above his head.

Caleb's impatient though and he grinds himself into me, looking for friction that I wasn't going to give him.

"What is it Caleb?" He focus his gaze on my chest that was only cover by a thin tank top. Maybe he could sense my pounding heart underneath- or maybe he choose to keep is gaze elsewhere.

"Do you want something? Is something bothering you?" I surge forward and place a kiss under his jaw, then other on his cheek.

He grunts in response. "Sorry I don't understand?" I smirk.

I shift on his hips again, earning a sharp inhale. His hold on my hands tightens.

"Speak up," I begin to slip my hands away from his and tangle them in his silky hair.

He wastes not one second. I am put under his body and my head is propped up by his hands so that he may have free will on my neck.

He looks long and hard at my withering state. Shaking his head and smiling he move to me.

A harsh kiss is placed on my collarbone. I whimper in the delight of his lips on my skin.

"What was that?" He asks.

His teeth nip at my skin, then his lips soothe the pain. "Alice," I sigh in response, "you're going to belong to me." He explains as if it was fact. His word was hard, cold, law.

I wanted to. So badly.

He stills, his breath hot on my neck.

Then he resumes his assault on me. His kisses come faster and faster in and down my neck in a pattern that only he can follow through.

"Oh God Caleb. Please..." I moan. My back arches in bliss and I throw my head further into the bed.

"What is it mate?" I groan at his raspy voice, making him growl in approval.

"I need you."

"Where?" He asks, but he already knows. All the facets of my being were known to him and only him.

His lips go to my neck again, he pulls back lightly and asks, "Here?"

I wanted to get closer to him, if that was possible.

"No," I can barely breathe from the pleasure.

He kisses my lips fully, entering my mouth and rhythmically rendering my speechless. My lips have barely enough time to match his fast pace.

"Here?" He asks right against my swollen lips.

"Please Caleb, just do something.." My mind was foggy with lust and thoughts that had never crosses my mind before I met Caleb.

He bites my bottom lip drawing blood and a sultry exhale from me. When I glance at his lips, I see them covered in my blood and I groan at the sight.

"Do you want to be mine?" His voice is deadly grim.

"Yes!" I exclaim in a heartbeat.


I nod promptly. He lets out a small laugh at my eagerness.

"Are you sure?"

I move to kiss him in response.

"Good. Because I am going to fucking claim you. Youre going to be fucking mine. No exceptions and no fucking leeway. I will be the only one for you. No one will ever fucking even think about you the way I do." He kisses my neck to show his point and I sigh.

"No one will ever touch you as I do. Every part of you will belong to me; your body, soul, mind, your very thoughts."

I look him in his eyes to see if he was serious.

"I will be your everything."

"Please Caleb."

"Understand that nothing will be sacred as all of you will be mine. There will no longer be you, just mine."

"Please." I beg.

"This is undoubtably going to fucking hurt."


Then he is upon me.

SO there's that.

The Girl's Dark Mate (COMPLETED but currently rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now