The girl who deals with cafes and heartbreaks

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Song: Ashtrays and Heartbreaks, Miley Cyrus and Snoop Lion
A searing pain shot through my arms causing me to jolt straight up in my bed. It was the, oh so familiar sensation of a branding. The feeling of your skin melting and hearing it sizzle from the heat scared me mentally and physically.

After I escaped I went into rehab for two years and came out as mental as before. Nothing stopped the terror that was inflicted on me the night that Audrey died.

I still had the marks on my skin form where he burned me. Two horizontal lines about an inch apart with a full moon in the center. To anyone who didn't know me it looked like a wicked tattoo, "Where did you get that tattoo? Its amazing!" Amazing, isn't it? Spending a month being tortured and watching your sister get slaughtered before your eyes is truly, 'amazing'.

My hand reached out to touch the burning flesh. I whimpered and held my cool hand to it tighter. This time it was done on the inside of my left forearm. Hot tears fought their way down my face.

"He found me," I mutter silently. A new wave of fear consumed me and I felt myself begin to sob louder. I sucked in a breath, gnawing on my inner cheek and pressed harder on the heated skin. A low, moan escaped my lips and I cried out.

The windows were open and the white, gauzy curtains flew around wildly. The cool night air did nothing to calm my searing flesh.

The door burst open, hitting the wall behind it. Caleb stood there with his glowing eyes searching the entire room until they settled on my shaking form. He was still shirtless and in pajama pants. And it was not the first time since I've met him that I had been so impossibly glad to see him. I could have sworn I heard a growl but at the same time I wasn't really listening.

"Alice, what happened?" he demanded quickly running over to the windows. I watched as his longs arms closed and locked them.

I let out a shaky breath when I saw him turn around and sit at the foot of the bed. The bed dipped slightly as he sat on it due to his tall structure. The slight movement caused another wave of agony to tear its way into my arm.

"He found me." I whispered, tears were coming faster than ever, but I made no attempt to stop them. My bottom lip was quivering and I couldn't keep my teeth from chattering.

"Who?" Caleb scooted closer stopping less than a foot from me. I loved the aura that he gave off. It was comforting and loving; something that I have been lacking.

"Darren," I stated, feeling the need to tell him. A little voice in the back of my head told me to trust him and for some reason I wanted desperately to listen to it.

I think he meant it to be a soothing gesture, but it was anything but that. He reached out to hold my left arm and try to get me to relax making me cry out in pain. A sharp intake of breath and a hiss told him that something was wrong.

"What happened?" his voice was frantic and his eyes widened a great deal.

I didn't even to hide the sob that broke through my chest. Using my right arm, I slung it around his torso burying my face in his muscular middle. My body was shaking so much I was surprised that I didn't fall off the bed. His arms wound around my body, being careful not to touch my injured arm.

Feeling the electricity and tingles I got from his contact I let out a sigh, pulling myself even closer to him. He didn't object, only resting his head over mine.

"I-I-I," stammering I bit down on my lower lip, "he f-f-found me and br-brand," another layer of tears cut off what I was going to say, "branded me again."

Caleb pulled back, keeping his hand securely on my waist, and hastily gave me a once-over, "Where?" he grunted.

I trembled as I flipped my arm over to show him my inner arm. I don't know why, but showing him this made me feel self-conscious. Like I was showing him my bare chest.

The Girl's Dark Mate (COMPLETED but currently rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now