The girl who knows you

615 28 8

Song: Miss Jackson, Panic at the disco
I woke in a dark bed.

I shifted to the side and surveyed the room. Blinds were pulled open allowing light to filter in. A large wooden desk in the corner covered in organized stacks of paper.

I sit up and realize where I was.

A door in the room opened, revealing Caleb's lean figure. He had a blue button up withe the sleeves cuffed and dark pants. His hair was dark from just showering. My lips parted.


"Took you long enough," he exclaims roughly.

"Sorry, usually I am informed before moved into a stranger's bed." I snap.

I'm not quite sure why I was so angry. I just couldn't understand why last night was filled with his compassion yet lacking an explanation. He just moved to quickly  that I wasn't able to keep up with his rapidness.

"Usually people don't fall asleep near lakes." He replies without even looking at me.

He crosses the room quickly and shuffles through the papers. I study his back, muscular and filled with confidence.

"Funny," I say and get up from the bed.

"I have to leave-"

"Where to Alpha?"

"I don't remember giving up that piece of information, nor do I plan to." He snaps turning around to look at me with black eyes.

"Calm down," I walk to him, staying a close distance away from him, "you don't have to tell me. I don't even know you."

"That's right. You don't, so do not even fucking act like it, halfbreed." He seethes.

"I wont. I don't know you and you don't know me. Yeah sure I know your dirty little secret but I still don't have the right to know these things." I pause and inhale deeply, "I'm sorry."

"I'll be gone for a month."

I look at his beautiful face and feel saddened. He was leaving me. Without telling me what about gilded scared him so much.


He stares at me for a moment unsure of what to do. Caleb reaches his hand to touch my face but drops it. I sigh and close the space between us.

I kiss his cheek inhaling his cologne.

"Don't be stupid." He orders.
Alright so I updated!! Yay????

Song- Miss Jackson, Panic! at the Disco


The Girl's Dark Mate (COMPLETED but currently rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now