The girl who tries

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Song: I can't even, The Neighbourhood


"Gilded?" he repeated again, almost to himself. His eyes were glazed over, I had never seen him so....secluded and absolutely removed. Ever since I met him he was always an open book. Fully mine.

I nodded.

"No," his lips parted in shock. He looked down to his lap.

"Caleb," I whispered. He raised his head, staring at me for a few moments. I saw his face form into a grimace.

"Alice why did this happen to you?" Silver eyes filled with so much disappointment.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"I'm sorry." he says.

Without another word he left the room.


I spent the rest of my day with Kara.

We were currently on my bed watching Youtube videos on Kara's laptop.

"He's climbin' in yo windows snatchin' yo people up tryna rape em'" she slurred.

Oh yeah did I forget to mention that she was drunk? Like really drunk.

She came to my room a few minutes after Caleb left. Her face was streaked with tears, mascara running down her pale skin. I chose not to ask though. I had too much on my plate.

Caleb was my mate. It was me he was talking about the entire time. I should be ecstatic. But why did he leave me? He literally ran from the room as if I was on fire. It hurt me a lot seeing him so repulsed of me. I began to wonder if he too saw me unworthy of being his mate.

"S-say the next line, Alice...say the next line." she fell on the floor and looked up at me....or at least I think she did, her eyes were going everywhere.

I sighed, "So y'all need to, hide yo kids-"

"Hide yo wife-"she cut in.

"And hide to husband-"

"Cause they're raping everybody out here!"

"Yeah," my sober self sat on the bed crisscrossing my legs, "I think I'm done."

A loud gasp escaped her lips, "NO!"

"We got your t-shirt"......


"Er, Kara are you sure about this?"

I held a hair coloring kit in hands. She wanted to be a brunette.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life." she says.

"That's what worries me." I mutter shutting the door of my bathroom behind me.

"Please!" she stretches the word resembling a small child. In a way she was one. But I liked her. She was fun and easy to talk to. And she really did remind me of Audrey.

"Oh no, Kara... I was going to do it anyways. I was just waiting to see it you would back out." I answer truthfully.

She sits down on the toilet and a smile sets on her face. Kara was a bit more sober now.

"Just do it before I think this through."

"With pleasure Miss Kara." A large grin spread across my lips.

I opened the box and got to work on her red locks.


"Personally I think you look gorgeous." I pulled open the fridge door open, "So we have rocky road, double chocolate, Oreo and ... oohhh caramel sea salt."

The Girl's Dark Mate (COMPLETED but currently rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now