Preview of 2.7

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This is going to be a pretty long chapter so here is a "preview" of sorts!
When I come to I see Caleb with his palms unturned on that mosaic table. There is some kind of a light under the table of stained glass that throws splashes of glass red, turquoise, teal, and sky-blue room. Even Caleb's face seems to have lit up with the colors and his eyes look even more out of place.

"She's going to help you," the smile from this small girl gives me little encouragement in drinking the murky liquid offered by this psychic. "Drink."

I look over at Caleb who I'm almost certain is hardly breathing.

I turn to the the little girl with startlingly blue eyes and dark hair. "Can I have a second with my friend here before we go into see the psychic-"

"Miss Callings!" She corrects me swiftly, almost like a backhand across the cheek from a parent.

"Yes....Miss Callings I mean." My voice sounds so unsure and shaky that I even hear a scoff from Caleb.

The little girl nods and leaves locking the door behind her.

"We can't drink this Caleb, there's something wrong."

He nods to my surprise. "Kara there is something wrong and that's why we're staying." He leans forward towards me and for a moment I thought he was going push against the wall by my head. A creaking sound emits from the force.

He pushes again until part of the wallpaper a few centimeters away begins to push out of the wall. "Here we go." Then his fingers work under the corner of protruding wall.

With a little more effort the piece gives out and Caleb is quick to turn it over. He grins this kind  of grin that chills my blood.

On the other side of the wall is a picture that was to be hidden when guests were over. A man, maybe early thirties with raven hair that fell over his blue eyes. There's this look to him, that while handsome, left me feeling exposed and unsettled.

"Well I seem to have found this fucker." Caleb laughs deep from his throat, showing off his sharp, white fangs.

"Who is that?" I ask pulling the picture from his and flipping it over, then placing it back into the wall.

"You don't recognize him?" His eyes are filled with amusement. As he smiles up at the ceiling his cheekbones become more prominent, making him look even more feral and animalistic than usual.


Caleb's face drops as he hurriedly pulled me back down to the chair just as the little girl turns the lock and enters the room.

"Ready to drink?"

"Yes. Fucking, yes." Caleb in a quick movement downs the murky liquid and with a flick of his wrist, the empty glass goes sailing and shatters against the wall where the picture had been.

He looks at me expectingly and for a moment that action reminds me so much of Alice that I want to cry.

I raise my glass. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." the dark bitter liquid coats my throat.

Caleb laughs so loud that it bounces off the walls. "Come on," he exclaims with manic in his eyes, "bring in that witch!"

"Miss Callings!"

"Yes, little girl, bring in Miss Callings...."

The psychic pulls a small cup of tea or coffee - I can hardly tell with the little light present - out from under the table, turns it round twice, the pours out the substance onto Caleb's hands. It looked sticky, thick, and was dark colored, like tar or some kind of cement. Caleb doesn't even flinch. His face is stoic, like a true alpha.

"Here we go." She murmured in that strange voice of hers again. Her name was Layla, I think, she had these startlingly blue eyes and her dark hair was braided and reached down past her cinched waist. She has this charm on her wrist that she is fiddling with when her body freezes.

She lurches back from the table, taking the chair over with her as she scrambles back towards the door. Her dress is caught on the corner of one her stools.

Her sudden outburst startled me but doesn't seem to have fazed Caleb. It's like he knew what she had seen in his past. Like he expected this to have happened.

She gasps for air and with her little composure she asks, "What have you done Caleb?"

Not missing a beat, he looks up to her, "Bad things."

The Girl's Dark Mate (COMPLETED but currently rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now