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You say you don't want me to hurt myself,
But when I try to be me you say, "No you can't be that. You can only be what I expect you to be."
You say you want me to be happy, then scream at me that I don't deserve it.
Your words, they contradict. You say you love me, but if I can't be myself, that's all a lie.
Because you don't love me, you love a false image of me, who you force me to be.
I tried so hard to conform to what society urged me to be, but it only made me suffocate in my depression. Depression that begged me to leave this horrid world, so we can finally be free.
You think I'm changing, but in reality, I'm tearing down the walls of lies you built up so high around me. Walls that made me claustrophobic. Walls I tried so hard to climb out of, but every time I did, you threw me back in them, slamming me against their cold, hard surface.
I'm down on my knees, begging with tears in my eyes, "Please let me be myself." But with every word I say, another negative word lashes me in response.
I guess I will always be what you expect of me, because it's not about making myself happy. It's only about making you happy.

Vents of A SinnerWhere stories live. Discover now