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My mouth, it salivates,
As I hold the vile liquid in my hands
My trembling hands, violently shredding
Shaking, it's outer layers fall helplessly.
My mind is racing, roaring, relentless.
My heart palpitating, pulsing with such vigor.
My skin crawling, careless and ready.
The putrid liquid, how it pours so smoothly down my greedy gullet.
Oh how my stomach cries, it's nausea my comfort.
The minutes, creeping. How time is so relentless and mocking.
How does something so disgusting and vile, fill me with such desire?
The shackles so tight, one on my wrist, the other on the bottle. My smile growing as my veins flood with poison again.

Vents of A SinnerWhere stories live. Discover now