The Arsonist

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Various ulcers, I taste vomit and blood.
Knowing there's no cure for the toxic mind.
The parasite eats away at it's host, ever so merciless.
Clenching my stomach as the the creatures inside gnaw and shred away.
Just one more, I always say. But one turns to 20, turns to 100, turns to a corpse rotting away, as the maggots of sin feast until there's
Nothing left.
I'm dizzy. Fatigued. The weight of the world on the shoulders of deteriorating monster.
She yells, screams, smiles with cruelty.
Another crack in my mask.
  It won't be long now. It's almost over.
I scratch and pick at my skin. Everything burns.
Her claws rip into my chest, but there's nothing there to take. My shriveled heart decomposed long ago, from his abandonment of the child.
My chest drips. Drip, drop, drip, drop. The flames spread from the wounds across my vessel. I am doused in the burning hatred of Her.
  It won't be long now. It's almost over.
As my skin crisps and flakes away, I glare at Her.
"I- I never wanted to be this. I never wanted this life. This destiny. I hope you realize what you've done."
And with that, I tearfully smile as the flames consume, turning me to ashes.

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