Oh yes, I forgot, I'm the bad guy. You'd chew up your problems and spit them out at me, your voice ever so shrill. Oh yes, I'm the manipulator, says the one screaming they're going to cut themselves in front of me. I forgot, I'm the child. Even though you have petty years that flow from your eyes and the vocabulary of that who only hurts for fun. I see, I see. I am the blind one, even though you are the one who cut my eyes from me. I feel, I feel. I felt as you slid the knife across my neck, and your eyes smiled with delight. I understand, I smile and pat your back for going through a feeble breakup, meanwhile your atrocious problems are crushing me and filling up my lungs with lead. I laugh and say it's okay, as your corrupted words lash at me, whipping me over and over. I still hug you, as your razor sharp feelings cut me and I'll bleed all over you, still delighted and giving all I can to help. I'm your savior, who drags you down deeper into hell, and your hands grasp my neck with such force. Even though my hands are occupied by all your thoughts, I use whatever strength I can muster to push you back up to reality. Meanwhile, I lose my grasp and fall deeper. Deeper.
And even though I'm falling to my death, I smile at you, the false prophet. The lying God. For you are who made me this strong, as I lay here in agony, paralyzed. You fucked me, over and over. You stole the innocence of a child. A child. You feel no remorse, only care for yourself.
You stole a life, and you feel proud?
So I ran. As I fell, I grew wings, and I taught myself how to fly.
Do you still feel pride, now that your wounded mistake learned to fly? Do you feel any culpability? Anything at all?
For once, I hope you feel. I hope you feel all the years of rue I felt. I hope you hate yourself more than I ever hated myself. For you caused all my agony, and now I live out of spite.
And in my rage, my hellfire shall reign upon you. As you burn and cry, I shall smile and soar.
For I finally got my revenge for the years of hatred you cursed me with.