030; he's moved on

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third person.

"lighten up corbyn, you love parties." jonah nudged the boys arm, watching him lean against the counter while staring at his drink, "why isn't mollie here?"

"could be anything." corbyn shrugged, "max, we're in an argument, she's not feeling it, anything."

"in an argument?" jonah frowned.

"it's complicated, rather not get into it." he said, "but it's okay, after a few drinks i'll be fine."

"it's weird not having the friend group entirely here." jonah told him, "daniel and cara are god knows where, nic and jack didn't go because nic can't, mollie isn't here and i don't even know if zach is in our friend group."

"where's liv?"

"she went to see her family to celebrate new years, so i miss out on a new years kiss."

"so do i." corbyn laughed slightly, "but it's okay, i'll just kiss her when i see her."

"go see her now and kiss her," charlie said as she walked up to the two of them, "...am i seriously the only girl that turned up?"

"char's trying to pull some guys tonight." corbyn jokingly said as the girl rolled her eyes and glared at him, "do you not want a jacket? guys are creepy in our hometown."

"i'm fine," she raised her eyebrows, "i don't need a jacket."

"that'll make it look like she has a boyfriend, she doesn't want that." jonah looked at corbyn as he slowly nodded.

"righttt, you're planning on hooking up with someone?" corbyn asked.

"well," charlie paused, "i was hoping zach would come along and just decide to and then realise he's still in love with me and-"

"ew, that thing." corbyn said, "make up sex? yeah that's a classic."

"but if not, maybe i'll find a different guy." charlie shrugged, "what about you?"

"uhh well my girlfriend actually has a curfew and i can't stay over so the only time we'll be getting it on is in the backseat of my car or during the day when my family is home." corbyn smiled, "before i go on tour, how exciting."

"she has a curfew now?" jonah asked, "she's twenty."

"yeah it's confusing," corbyn sighed, "but it's fine, we can go without sex."

"okay well before this gets any weirder im going to go look for zachary," charlie smiled slightly at them.

"if you see him tell him the second corbyn sees zach he is going to absolute murder him," corbyn smiled, "and if he says or does anything to upset you, feel free to come tell us."

"oh yeah we're free tonight, we can put him in his place." jonah said, "and by we i mean corbyn because he's desperate to jump that kid."

"i'm going to fucking kill him." he said, "he better run for the hills if i lay eyes on him."

"...okay." charlie nodded, shaking her head as she wondered off to find her ex boyfriend in the crowded party for new years.

after walking around looking lost for about ten minutes, the girl had eventually set her eyes on the back of the boy's hair, watching him drink in the middle of a rather large crowd that all seemed much more drunk than him.

and with a roll of her eyes, she placed her drink down and walked over to the group, hoping it wouldn't go too badly.

"zach," charlie said as she walked up to the boy stood with a huge group of people, "hey can we talk?"

"oh, yeah sure i-"

"he doesn't want to talk," a girl interrupted zach, grabbing onto his arm as charlie glanced down to it, "he's moved on."

"..i can talk." zach looked to charlie as he placed down his drink.

"he's very busy right now," another girl said as she stood the other side of the boy while zach watched charlie raise her eyebrows slightly before sighing.

"it'll take two minutes," charlie shrugged, "zach?"

"tell her you're busy zach."

"you can text me," he suggested, smiling slightly while the girl stared at him confused.

"i'd rather do it face to-"

"girl if he wanted to get laid tonight he'd asked us," she smiled after cutting off charlie's sentence, watching her roll her eyes and nod instead of argue back, "are you too scared to stand up for yourself?"

"are you being serious?" charlie mumbled to zach, her arms held up slightly in confusion as zach struggled to find the words to say, two girls wrapped around him as he shrugged.

"if you want to complain you can tell us." she smiled at charlie, "you look very innocent but i'm sure you can find your big girl words."

"i'll text you." zach said to the girl as charlie frowned.

"he won't be doing that," one of the girls said as she rolled her eyes, "he's moved on."


"he cheated on you, take the hint that he doesn't want you." she looked at charlie while the other girl had now wondered off to the rest of the group, watching charlie immediately pause while turning to zach.

and as zach was being pulled back to the group, struggling to keep his eyes on the girl he slowly shook his head with a frown on his face, "i'll text you."

"no argument?" she folded her arms, "im sure if you need backup your little friend mollie can help you, she's the violent one, isn't she?"

"...are you scared of her or something?" charlie asked, already backing away from the group.

"no one's scared of her," she laughed, "her clingy boyfriend protects her now she's got no chance, but i'd love to see her again."

"right," charlie raised her eyebrows and sighed, walking away from the group.

"zach doesn't want you, please stop trying." the girl said, finally turning to her own group as charlie grabbed her jacket and made her way to the door.

"char," cara called out, watching her storm past the room her and daniel were sat in as she stood up and followed her.

"oh we're not making out anymore, alright." daniel shrugged, following after his girlfriend.

"char, are you okay?" cara asked, stopping in front of the girl as she nodded, "you sure?"

"yeah," charlie nodded and smiled, "i'm just going home early, nic wanted some company."

"okay." cara smiled, "do you need a lift?"

"no, no i can walk." charlie said, "but thank you."

"okay, well text me when you get home so i know you're okay."

"i will." charlie said as she walked out the door.

"thank god she's fine." daniel shrugged, pulling cara back to the room they were in, "back to the make out."


welcome to the start of charlie's reputation era (taylor's version)

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