019; i appreciate you trying

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third person.

it was two days before the funeral of their grandma, and the siblings still had not said a word to each other since their argument almost two weeks ago.

tonight, they had been sitting down at the table opposite each other with their food in front of them, astrid and her daughter visiting her mom again after max requested some time to himself.

but despite him needing to use it as a time to rest, he cooked himself and mollie some dinner before they sat opposite each other. and with max hardly picking at his food, he stared at his sister confused watching her almost shove each forkful into her mouth.

"uh, so how was that dance class you started?" max asked, "is therapy going good?"

he received no reply while he had a forkful of his own food, staring at mollie as he waited for any kind of reaction towards him that never seemed to be coming.

"my uhm.. my childhood friends are coming to the funeral," he continued, "it'd be nice to see them, it's been a while."

"iris is crawling, have you seen that?" max raised his eyebrows while shaking his head in disbelief, "she's getting so big now."

the girl's silverware finally dropped to her plate as max looked up from his, watching her stand up and grab her plate before walking past him and heading towards the kitchen.

and while his eyes were fixed on the seat she was just sat in, the sound of a plate being placed in the sink was heard before she headed upstairs and closed the door to her bedroom, leaving max in silence.

he sunk into his seat slightly, letting out a sigh before his fork dropped to his plate with an upset look growing on his face.

ten more minutes had passed as he remained still, staring at the wall in front of him with his arms folded before the front door was pushed open, astrid walking in and instantly noticing the boy sat with his back towards her.

a frown grew on her face, placing down the bags and making her way over to him, her arms wrapped around him while her head rested on his, "did she come down and eat?"

"yeah," he replied.

"how'd that go?"

"she didn't acknowledge me." he mumbled.

"i'm sure she just needs some more time," astrid told him as she placed a small kiss on his head, sitting down on the chair beside him before he head turned towards max.

"i've given her time."

"max, from your perspective it looks like you genuinely didn't know that would happen and you knew you were going to tell her," she explained while max sighed, "to her, it looks like you made up an excuse and you weren't going to tell her.. there's two sides to this argument."

"...where's iris?" max asked her before glancing around the room.

"she's staying with my mom for the night." she shrugged, "i wanted to give some of my time to you rather than just her."

"no that's my fault i've been distant," max shook his head, "i'm sorry i-"

"i know, i'm reminding you i'm still here." astrid told him, "let's have an evening together, just us."

max gave her a nod as she instantly stood up, grabbing the small pot of leftover pasta from the night before from the fridge and a fork, walking back over to the table and sitting down beside him again.

"you just need to give mollie a bit more time," she continued with her advice, opening up the pot and beginning to eat the pasta, trying to encourage her husband to do so, "i'm sure, like always, she'll come around and want to talk to you about it."

"but this is more than just some petty argument," max argued, "it's nana, our only parental figure left after grandpa. i feel like i've lost nana and her all in a week."

"but to her you're also a parental figure." astrid looked up at him, watching him let out a small laugh and shook his head, "max you raised her."

"i didn't because-"

"you went to all her dance competitions and all the things she needed a parent for," she told the guy, "i know you hate people saying this but you are more than just a brother to her, even if she doesn't say it."

"i don't want to do the funeral by myself," max said, "i don't want to do it with her not by my side."

"she'll be by your side, she'll need you that day." she gave him a reassuring nod before glancing to his food, "finish your dinner."

"i'm not feeling it." he shook his head, "not tonight."

"okay, do you want to go out for breakfast tomorrow?" she suggested, taking his plate over to the sink as he followed the girl.

"sure," max shrugged, heading updates and to their room down the hall while astrid quickly followed him.

as max fell onto the bed, astrid closed their door for the night before she sat on her side, stroking his back with one of her hands as the boy sighed, "is there anything i can do that'll make you feel better?"

"no," he mumbled, turning his head to look at her, "but i appreciate you trying."

"mom invited you to spend christmas at hers," she said, "we can all go."

"is mollie able to go?"

"if she wants to come she can." astrid nodded, "if you want to spend it with just her you can, i just thought it's a week away so we should plan what we're going to do."

"i'll suggest it to her," max said.

"okay." she gave him a smile, placing a kiss on his head as she laid beside him while running her hand through his hair, "just give her time."

"it's hard to do that." max frowned, tears appearing in his eyes before he shrugged, "it makes me feel like i'm struggling alone."

"you're not," she shook her head, "she'll be beside you at the funeral, she'll be holding your hand."

"you're just saying that to make me feel better."

"it's mollie honey, she depends on you more than she thinks she does, if she's gonna want support that day it'll be from you." astrid explained, "even if she doesn't say a word, she'll be by your side."

"okay," max took a deep breath, wrapping his arm around the girl and pulling her closer to him, "okay."


double update bc i'm so nice to u guys


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