053; is he forcing you

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third person.

the new york city friend group had ventured to a party to fill their boredom that evening, spread out across the large house and all interacting with different people despite how drunk they may be.

dawn seemed to be the only one almost black out drunk of the evening, drinking everything in sight and switching between her friends as a way to make conversation and keep things from getting too boring or repetitive.

corbyn sat himself beside spencer and rowan, the three boys finding ways to get along while he every so often glanced to his girlfriend in the kitchen with her girlfriends, ensuring that she was still okay and safe.

"i'm not sure if this is how you usually are at parties," spencer spoke quietly to corbyn as the boy turned to him, "but you just seem really out of it, are you okay?"

"just not feeling it tonight." corbyn shrugged.

"we can always go back to the hotel." he suggested, "i can come back later and pick charlie and mollie up, it's not big deal."

"nah, i'll stay. i don't want to leave her by herself." corbyn shook his head as spencer slowly nodded.

"there is a reason for that," rowan said to spencer, "he's not just being weird and possessive for no reason."

"..are you and charlie dating?" corbyn turned towards him, his eyebrows slightly furrowed as spencer paused for a second.

"uh.. i guess not, i haven't asked to be official or anything." he shook his head, "we're more than friends but not dating."

"right," corbyn nodded, "i know how that feels."

"it's a long waiting game right now just until she's ready," spencer smiled slightly, "but she's worth it so it's fine."

corbyn nodded as he gave the guy a smile, glancing to his girlfriend to see her still fully engaged in a conversation while he sighed, looking down at his phone.

"where is charlie?" nicole asked mollie and cara, glancing around the room and over to the boys as the two of them shrugged, "okay.. okay i'm going to go look for her, i'll be back."

"sounds good." cara nodded.

"cara let's have a drink," mollie suggested, turning to the vast array of fluids whilst placing two cups in front of her, "pick a drink."

"uhh, let's have the tequila with the-"

"mollie," dawn smiled as she ran up to the girl, leaning against the counter, "hi gorgeous."

"hello." she quickly replied, "are you okay?"

"come have some weed with us," evie smiled as she grabbed onto mollie's hand, "come be fun."

"it's away from everyone else so you'll feel much more relaxed too," dawn said with a slur as she spoke, grabbing onto the girl's arm and smiling at her.

"uhm, okay. cara can you wait for nic and tell her where i've gone?" mollie turned to cara, who stood there with a frown while staring at evie, "cara?"

"i think it'd be better if you waited." she replied, "she-"

"i'll only be a few minutes," mollie shrugged, giving her a small smile before she was pulled away by the two girls and up the stairs.

as cara watched them leave, there was an immediate drop in her stomach as she muttered something under her breath, glancing around in hopes of nicole coming back quicker than she said.

with her eyebrows furrowed she made her way over to corbyn, standing in front of him and waiting for him to finish his conversation with the two boys while she still looked around for nicole.

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