026; we're going in circles

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third person.

christmas day soon approached and the big lunch was already in the process is being prepared by saskia with the small help of corbyn and mollie before they had got too confused with what they were told to do.

and so whilst their mom was in the kitchen, the couple sat on the couch in silence as they had their eyes on the movie they had put on, corbyn and mollie sharing the big blanket and cuddled up to each other in the corner of it.

jordan and ashley had sat by the kitchen island away from the living room, being able to watch the two of them sit together as they glanced to each other before finally turning to their mom.

"usually they're arguing about something small or chasing each other round the house," jordan spoke up, taking a sip of his drink as saskia gave them a frown.

"i know," saskia mumbled, "but they need time to grieve and this is the first christmas without julie, i'd rather they're left alone together than being forced to be festive."

"i honestly thought they'd stay in corbyn's room all day," ashley shrugged.

"i think they don't want to seem rude," saskia said, "corbyn's already said they aren't having a big meal with us and they'll get something later."

"what did corbyn get her for christmas?" jordan asked, "i haven't seen her open any presents."

"it hasn't arrived yet but he got her a necklace with julie's handwriting on or something," ashley told her brother, "she bought him a guitar."

"she's doing so well," jordan shook his head, "like she's dealing with it so much better than what i thought she would."

"mom," corbyn said as he walked up to the three of them, "we're going upstairs if you need us."

"okay," saskia nodded, "if you need me i'll be here."

"okay," he replied, following his girlfriend who had already made it up the stairs and towards his room.

with the three sat in the kitchen exchanging frowns and sighs, corbyn closed the door to his bedroom for the afternoon as he turned to where mollie was, the girl sat on the edge of the bed as she stared at the floor in silence.

"max wants to spend tomorrow with us, as a second christmas." mollie mentioned as she placed her phone on the table beside his bed.

"okay, sounds good." corbyn nodded, "i think the friend group wants us to have a day together... but i'm not going."


"because i don't want to see zach." corbyn told her, "not while i'm still so angry at him, i wont be able to control myself."

"oh," she mumbled, keeping her eyes on the floor as corbyn looked at her, expecting more of an answer than one word.

he sighed while watching her fiddle with her rings, the girl so caught up in her thoughts as he sat down beside her continuing to stare at her, a frown on his face from being unable to help or give any words of comfort for what seemed like the first time in forever.

"i'm sorry," he told her.

"..for what?"

"because i don't know how to help." he shrugged with a few tears in his eyes, "and i wish i could."

"it's fine." she shook her head.

"what can i do to help..?" he asked her as mollie continued to shake her head, "nothing at all?"

"unless you know how to bring someone back from the dead," mollie said, "there's nothing that can help."

"i wont go on tour."

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