thank you.

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i realised i never said an actual thank you
for this whole series because i was caught up
in so many emotions and chapters when
ending the series.

in some ways i see a little of myself in mollie
and some of the obstacles she's overcome throughout this entire series. mollie is my comfort character, i wanted to portray her as someone who isn't perfect 100% of the time and has some toxic traits herself and i feel as though
i succeeded in that

i also wrote mollie to bring awareness to the type of things she's struggled with and an insight of how it can not only impact her but also the people around her, i wanted to show that a little bit of understand and patience from someone goes a very long way

mollie isn't perfect, she's not got her life together and she's still got many toxic traits that can be damaging to friendships but i think that's what i like about her. i've read many fanfics where the main character is an angel and always in the right and that wasn't something i wanted for this series, nor did i think it would work properly.

i hope, in some ways, mollie can be see as a little relatable and make some people feel seen with what they struggle with. i know it isn't easy but i never once wanted to portray mollie as a bad character just because of what she suffers with, she's a very good person and i believe she has a very good heart.

thank you for loving mollie almost as much as i love her, she's only of the only characters i've made where her development was very important to me as was her happy ending.

thank you for reading this entire series (if you did). it means the entire world that so many people wanted to follow along with her story and were so invested. thank you for bringing your theories and your funny comments and your support to the main character.

although i'm sad that i'm ending collie's story (despite having plans for a book 6), i'm happy to leave it on a good note where she is surrounded by everyone she loves and she's in a good place. one more book in this series and i think she would've truly been to hell and back.

mollie and corbyn are my favourite couple i've ever written and i'm so glad i got to write their development of how they deal with issues and how they communicate and talk.

so again, thank you. so much. for every single comment and every single laugh i've had from reading them. the comments mean the world just as much as the ghost readers do. i am truly thankful for every single one of you.

i have plans to finish The Love Club and then say goodbye to my wattpad again for the foreseeable, so I'm truly so happy I got to finish the collie series with a good closure chapter.

i also have loads of drafts FULL of letters that mollie and other people would've written for her that i've collected over the series, i obviously never got round to including them in any chapters but i 100% can post the letters if anyone wants me to, they r very sappy.


it's been an absolute blast

- tee <3

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