00. Prologue

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"I am against this marriage. Thus, we don't have anything else to talk about. We both can go home and tell our parents--"

"And? Do you think people won't talk about it if we suddenly cancel the marriage right after sending out the invitations? If you don't feel affected by it, you do you. But I have a reputation to keep." Minho looked right into Seungmin's eyes. His eyes were deadly and cold. The eyes that would leave his staffs almost peed in their pants whenever Minho gave them the look.

But not Seungmin. The younger looked back into the older's eyes with the same amount of deadly, though he looks like a puppy that tried to be a big dog. Well, he tried.

"What kind of reputation, Director Lee?" Seungmin crossed his arms and rested his back comfortably against the chair. The dinner they had earlier went cold as they started talking about the marriage.

The arranged marriage that both of their parents had planned without their knowing.

Minho who just come back from Russia, had an important meeting that his father had assigned last week while Seungmin just came back from Ghana after finishing a commission made by his lecturer at his university.

And this is their first time meeting each other.

"What kind of reputation, you asked me?" Minho stopped, waiting for Seungmin to talk but seemed like the younger wanted him to continue from the silence he gave.

"I am the heir of Lee's Group, Mr. Kim. They, the company, my family want, to have a spouse, and build my own family as soon as possible. That's that. And they happened to-- well, have you."

"What?!" Seungmin raised his voice higher than earlier.

What kind of bullsh*t is this?!

Minho let out a sigh before he continues. His head hurts and he need a clear mind to settle it properly but first, this. "Please, Seungmin, don't ask me that. I also didn't know anything about this until they told me this morning. I'm also confused with this whole-- thing." Minho softened his voice after seeing Seungmin getting worked up. He pinched the bridge of his nose and look away from Seungmin, getting a glass of water beside the plate that was still filled with half of his dinner.

No use to argue about it right now. He didn't have the energy to make a scene. He needs to have the decision made that will equally satisfy the two of them.

"But I don't want to get married...Well, not this soon. I just graduated, Director Lee." Seungmin also seemed to soften his voice and looked into Minho's eyes in which in Minho's head think of a sad little puppy.

It was long silent before Minho came with an idea. Or a decision.

"Let's make an agreement that will satisfy both parties. In this case, both of us. How about that? But we still need to carry on the marriage. You know, it's going to affect your family too."

Seungmin looked away from Minho's face. Thinking.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five seconds.

"Okay, let's do that."

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