06. The Marriage.

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Seungmin would say the wedding ceremony was pretty normal. Seungmin thought it would be super-duper grand, where thousands of people would attend, given that Minho's family is a well-known family in the country. It turns out both of their families decided to make it a private event. Just for families and friends, which was great in Seungmin's opinion. He would've been panicking if he suddenly needed to meet that many people in a day, think about how his feet would be.

He understood now why brides always cried during their wedding ceremony when their husbands recite the wedding oath. Seungmin did too when he heard Minho say those oaths. He doesn't even know why but he felt emotional. He also caught his mom, Minho's mother, and Jisung cried too at their places.

And as promised, Jisung and Hyunjin flew from a thousand miles away from the UK just for his wedding. The little Jaeyi and Hyunsoo were there too. Jisoo was so happy to have new friends upon meeting Jisung and Hyunjin's children but he's happier to know he now has another uncle. He called Minho 'Uncle Minmin' because he said 'Uncle Minho' is too business-ish to call.

Seungmin? It would cost him another hundred years to start calling Minho using endearing names. He's still calling Minho 'Minho hyung'. If you're asking what Minho called him, there's a lot of vomit-worthy ones, given they're never being in a relationship before, Seungmin tried to get used to Minho calling him 'my love', 'darling', or 'Seungminnie'. But he sorts of to take a liking for the last one.

And if you think they had a honeymoon right after their wedding? To answer that, no, because Minho couldn't push any of his schedules forward anymore since it would affect the company's progress and Seungmin understood it. He was busy preparing for work too. Yes, he just got accepted into an exclusive studio owned by Hyunjin.

Yes, Hyunjin. Jisung's husband. Turns out Jisung's little family decided to stay in Korea for good. They just finished moving in into their new apartment last week and Seungmin decided to visit them.

Seungmin told Minho about it this morning and the older just--

"You can go anywhere you wanted to go, Seungmin. No need for my permission. Remember our agreement?" right, they had an agreement.

It's just 10 AM and here Seungmin was, knocking onto Jisung's new apartment door, welcomed by overly excited screams from the other side of the door. It was Jaeyi. Her voice could end Jeongin's dolphin scream. Seungmin was already smiled while waiting for the door to open.

A messy and disoriented Hyunjin welcomed him with Jaeyi in his arms. "Oh, you're here?" Hyunjin sheepishly invited Seungmin in and called for Jisung who was still busy handling Hyunsoo in the bathroom.

"Make yourself at home," Hyunjin said, gesturing Seungmin to sit on one of their sofas.

"As if you just knew me yesterday. I always make myself at home whenever I came to your house." Seungmin grinned at Hyunjin before he realized Jaeyi was struggling to let herself off from Hyunjin's arms. "And you know, you can hand me that cheeky girl in your arms. I could take care of her while you-- continue doing whatever you were doing before."

"Really?" Seungmin nodded with a smile and Hyunjin thanked him a few times before he let Jaeyi run into Seungmin's arm with her excited scream 'Uncle Puppyyy!'.

Hyunjin quickly ran back towards the kitchen and that's when Seungmin smelt something burning and Jisung's loud voice from their bedroom was heard. "HWANG HYUNJIN!! PUT THE FIRE OFF!" it was chaotic and Seungmin just act as if nothing was happening and continued to play with Jaeyi.

It might sound like Seungmin was intruding on their family time, but Jisung always tells him that he's fine with Seungmin here, at least someone could take care of one of his kids while he's preparing the other one. Hyunjin too said the same thing. Thus, this was normal in Hwang's household and Seungmin used to it.

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