08. The Rut.

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Minho is having his rut. And Seungmin couldn't be more worrying than he already was. He knew that he shouldn't feel this, but he's scared and confused. It was his first time handling an alpha in their rut.

"H-hyung? Hyung?!" Seungmin tried to keep Minho awake by calling his name repeatedly.

Seungmin was about to cry when he saw Minho was crouching like that on the floor. His mind went blank. What he knew, he's worried about Minho.

Breathe in, breathe out, Seungmin.

Seungmin was about to find Minho's meds when he felt Minho's grip around his wrist tighten. "T-the shelf...at the very end...My meds." and Minho let out another groan while pressing his stomach.

Seungmin hurriedly searched for Minho's meds from where Minho told him. The shelf...at the very end...Seungmin saw a bottle of pills prescribed for Minho. There it is. Seungmin quickly took it and grabbed a bottle of mineral water from the fridge before he went back to sit next to Minho.

Seungmin helped his husband to sit properly before he popped one of the pills into Minho's mouth. Minho shakily grabbed the mineral water from Seungmin's hand and drank it hastily. Seungmin tried to ease the older's pain by rubbing Minho's back.

A few moments later, Minho seemed to calm down a little but still whimpering in pain. Seungmin carefully put Minho's right arm around his shoulder and asked if the older could walk. Minho nodded weakly and Seungmin slowly stood up, tried to balance Minho's body against him by holding the older's waist tightly, and walked towards their room.

He cautiously let Minho lie down onto their bed and ready to go back to the kitchen as he wanted to take Minho's meds. Again, Minho stopped him by holding his hand and with a breathy voice asking him for something.

"Please...call Chan." with his shaky hands, Seungmin quickly reached out for Minho's smartphone on their nightstand and searched for Minho's personal doctor's contact.

One beep. Two beeps. "Hello. Minho?"

"H-hello, Chan hyung? Minho hyung...Minho hyung is sick-- I mean his rut. W-what should I do?" Seungmin's voice was cracking with a sudden sob that left his throat. He didn't even realize he was crying while asking for Chan's help.

Chan then said something about giving him a moment, he'll come in a minute before he ended the call.

Please, let Minho be fine.


Chan arrived at Minho's apartment with Changbin assisting him. Changbin scanned a spare keycard Minho gave him and both of them entered Minho's luxurious apartment once it was unlocked. Chan quickly went to Minho's room to see two bodies were sleeping while snuggling into each other on the bed. Both him and Changbin were exchanging looks before they let out a quiet laugh.

"We're worried for nothing I guess," Changbin whispered to him and both of them were attempting to leave before they heard Minho was groaning.

Chan rushed back to Minho's side to see the younger already had his protective mode on. Minho's eyes turned yellow with his arms were tightly secured around Seungmin's sleeping body. He was practically growling while looking at Chan with this predator look in his eyes. He's ready to attack anyone who moved closer to him. Especially his omega.

"Listen here Minho. I'm here to help you, not to hurt you. I won't take your mate, okay?" though Chan knew Minho couldn't think properly when his alpha self is dominating his body, but he tried to by slowly moving backward from the bed. Telling the Alpha Minho that he was backing off.

The room filled with Minho's scent. It was suffocating for the other alphas like Chan and Changbin. Minho was still looking at him with the same murderous eyes he had from before. 

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