13. The Party.

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a/n: this story was supposed to have 15 chapters but I refused to end it yet so um...we'll see bout it...anyway, I know I'm late, but happy new year!!



Seungmin squinted his eyes as he's still peeking through the small door opening. An unexpected guest is coming over when Minho's not home. And Minho didn't let him know that someone's going to come over to their house at this time. It's just morning-- or maybe the afternoon. Seungmin couldn't properly decipher the time since it's his off day.

Anyway, this guy who has a smile so bright like the sun is still waiting in front of the door.

With his still messy hair as he just woke up, Seungmin hesitantly greeted him back. "Hello. Um, I'm so sorry, but did I know you?"

"Oh, how very rude of me. I'm sorry. I thought Minho hyung told you that I'm coming over. I'm Lee Felix, Minho's cousin. You could ask Soonie for confirmation though."

As if the chubby, orange cat understood their conversation, Soonie came towards the door and starts meowing at this Felix guy. Seungmin looked at Soonie in amazement.

"Soonie, you knew him?" Soonie meowed to Seungmin's question.

Seungmin blinked his eyes. Once. Twice. Did he just ask a cat for a confirmation?

Just before he could ask the Felix guy again, his phone started to ring in his grip. He took a glance at the caller ID and it's Minho. He quickly answered it and the older's voice sounded breathless.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Huh-- Sweetheart, I forgot to tell you that someone's coming over-- Huh-- Wait, let me catch a breath."

"Hyung, take your time. Where are you?"

"Elevator." then Seungmin could hear the elevator stopping at their floor. They're the only one who lives here since it's a private unit, so it won't be a neighbor...Unless--

"Oh, Minho hyung!" the Felix guy exclaimed happily as his husband came into their view.

"Hey, Felix. I'm so sorry. I forgot to inform Seungmin that you're coming." his husband is still breathless, maybe he's rushing from the office.

"No, it's fine. I told you on short notice, it's understandable. Or am I interrupting?"

"No, you're not interrupting. Please, come in. Felix, right?" Felix happily nodded and Seungmin gestured for both of them to enter the house.

Felix then joyfully skipped his way into the house when he saw Soonie and proceed his steps towards the cats' house, searching for the other two. Minho then turned to Seungmin with an apologizing smile.

"I'm sorry. It's supposed to be your resting day. I forgot to tell you about Felix." the older whispered as he took off his shoes and caught Seungmin's waist to greet the younger whenever he's home from work. He also gently caressed Seungmin's head.

"Don't apologize, hyung. It's just an off day and all I did was sleep." Seungmin took a glance at the happy Felix again. "It's fun to have a company, I guess. Felix seemed fun to hang out with." Seungmin leaned into Minho's touch. He loved it when Minho pampered him with his loving touches like this. He felt loved and protected.

"You know you are the best husband ever to exist?"

"Do you have any other husband than me?"

A question that left Minho flustered and quickly denying it made Seungmin laugh. "Hyung, I was joking. Of course, I am your bestest husband. You're my best husband too." Seungmin left a quick peck onto Minho's cheeks.

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