11. The Heat.

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a/n: this chapter contains a slight nsfw. make sure you're 18 or above before you proceed with your reading ;) mentioned: touching self, coming (lightly masturbating). Anyway, sorry for the late update but enjoy this 2.8k words <3


Hyunjin felt a small tug from under the desk when he was transferring his client's photos from his DSLR to his laptop. He stopped his work and looked down to see the little Jaeyi was tugging the hem of his hoodie with a worried face. He carefully pulled his little girl out, placed her on his lap, and softly combed her hair with his fingers.

"Hey baby, what's with the long face?" he softly asked and the little Jaeyi suddenly came closer to his ear, telling him she wanted to tell him 'secrets' (that's what she always tells him) and keep it only between the two of them.

"I think...I think Uncle Puppy is sick. I smelt something funny when I walked past him just now. It's the funny scent just like Appa had when he's sick." the little Jaeyi whispered into his ears and Hyunjin quickly took a glance at Seungmin who was sitting at his cubicle, with his face barely seen as he's resting his head on the desk with his laptop still on.

Hyunjin also caught a scent, sour scent. It's not too pungent but it stings to his nose. Is it--

Hyunjin quickly put his daughter down with care and walked towards Seungmin's working space. He tried to wake the younger up by shaking his shoulder a bit. Seungmin then immediately woke up and quickly straightened his back with his eyes blinking, trying to adjust with the light around him. He looked at Hyunjin confusedly and seek for his smartphone, trying to figure out how long he dozed off.

"It's 5.36 PM. Are you...okay?" Hyunjin asked with a concerned voice, and he noticed Seungmin was sweating, a lot.

"I'm fine. Just...dizzy. And tired. I don't know why. I'm not even handling any customers' orders."

"Seungmin, I think you can go home for today." Hyunjin's voice turned dominant, strictly asked Seungmin to follow his order.

"But I need do the closing today--"

"It's okay. I'll do that for you. You're releasing too much scent, Seungmin. Is your heat coming?" upon hearing Hyunjin's question, Seungmin quickly looked back at his smartphone with a notification on the very top from his other messages.

D-1 before medication.

Seungmin let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm so sorry Hyunjin, I forgot to check. I...I'll go home now. It must be suffocated." Seungmin then saw the little Jaeyi hiding behind Hyunjin's legs.

"Our little Jaeyi must be uncomfortable too. Uncle is sorry, okay?" Seungmin softly said to Jaeyi with a weak smile.

"It's okay. Actually, it's Jaeyi who notified me that you looked sick." Seungmin thanked the little Jaeyi and quickly shoved all his things in his backpack, ready to leave.

"Do you need a ride?" Hyunjin concernedly asked as he saw Seungmin was pressing his head repeatedly while walking towards the studio's main door.

The younger shook his head as he gave Hyunjin a reassuring smile. "It's fine. I'll just run my way home. It's just a few blocks away. I'll take emergency leave then for a week. See you."

Just before Hyunjin could answer, Seungmin indeed run his way home, trying to make his way home as soon as possible. Hyunjin felt bad for the younger, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. Hyunjin then looked at the worried Jaeyi who still hiding behind his legs.

Jaeyi then made her grabby hands, asking her daddy to pick her up. Hyunjin swiftly picked his baby girl up, and quickly opened the window to circulate the air in his studio that mixed with Seungmin's scent just now.

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