15. The Closure.

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a/n: it's been a while and I'm so sorry :') I've been busy last week and posted an update on Monday? again, from the deep in my heart, I apologize since idk when will I have some free time to write :'( and also, I think this is quite a lengthy chapter, idk maybe I missed writing about these two or what but I hope you're enjoying it :D


A few weeks more into pregnancy, Seungmin passed his first trimester quite easily (Minho helped him a lot) and moved on to the second one. It's not that much of a change, except for a little, tiny baby bump started to form. His cravings slowly stopped (but it's still there), so does his mood swings. His nausea too went away. But Seungmin's body, especially his back, started to feel sore whenever he woke up from his deep sleep. It was a hustle to get up from bed.

Jisung said it's normal. It's going to hit harder during the third trimester.

The news about his pregnancy went around like a wildfire. Maybe because Minho decided to announce it over dinner where they invited both families from Seungmin's and Minho's side. Jisoo was extremely excited when his mom explained to him the meaning of 'Uncle Puppy is pregnant.'. He had this wide smile on his face and ran towards Seungmin to give his Uncle Puppy a koala hug. He already asked if he could play with the new baby and make plans to teach the new baby about soccer.

Seungmin said it's too early, but Minho told him it's okay and asked Jisoo if his Uncle Minmin could join. Of course, the boy would say yes. Minho now is his favorite uncle (Minho bribed him with lots and lots of toys).

Jisung and Jeongin were the first to know of course since they were the ones who made Seungmin have a check-up. Even the littles, Jaeyi and Hyunsoo, were expecting for the new little human to be born too. Hyunjin told Seungmin that he could take days off whenever he wants to and Seungmin was grateful for that.

Chan and Changbin were also the earliest to know because Minho made a fuss about how he should take care of an omega during pregnancy. He called Chan at two in the morning, because Seungmin still vomiting at that hour. Thank God Chan wasn't sleeping yet.

Seungmin would say his husband is a bit overreacting, but this is Minho we're talking about. And he loves it. Because all Minho's attentions are on him.

And that, turned him into a spoiled husband. But it's not his fault as Minho was the reason why he became like that. Whenever he wanted to do anything, Minho said he would do it instead.

Seungmin wants a glass of water? Minho's going to take it, though it was three in the morning. Stumbling upon some cats' toys on the floor because he barely opened his eyes but still managed to get a glass of warm water.

Seungmin wants to eat two portions of kimchi stew? Minho would make it, or order from deliveries if he's short of time.

Even the weird one when Seungmin suddenly wanted to try the mint chocolate fried chicken. It made Minho knit his brows together for a moment but still get them anyway.

When Seungmin showed him a cute baby cot online, Minho was ready to buy it to the point Seungmin stopped showing him. 

"Hyung, the baby is just three months old. Still in my tummy. Calm down." when Minho was about to check out not one, but three baby cots that Seungmin has been talked about to the older.

Minho just shrugged it off and still made the purchase. He said, "My cats would stay in those if it's too many." as if the three cats in the house weren't spoiled enough.

Or Seungmin could say Minho is excited and couldn't wait for a new family member in their little family and that's understandable. He's excited too.

Minho almost made him work from home because he's worried if anything would happen to the younger and Seungmin tried to soft talk to him about it. There's no way he would stay at home for that long. It's nice, but it would get suffocated after some time.

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