05. The Agreement.

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The dinner was great. Both of them tried their best to keep the conversation going. But what he could talk about other than works? It's not that he went all around the world as Seungmin did.

Speaking of which, yes, the younger did travel everywhere the world offered him and Minho thought it was fascinating. He loves listening to the younger's stories. Seungmin went and meet so many people and cultures and he showed Minho a few of his photos. They were amazing.

Until Seungmin suddenly talked about their sudden marriage idea.

"You see, Director Lee--" before Seungmin could continue his words, Minho cut him.

"Please Mr. Kim, I told you to call me Minho."

"Minho...hyung. If that so, please, call me Seungmin." Seungmin gave him a quick smile as he continued. "You see, this whole marriage.... Don't you think it's too fast?" Seungmin looked at him with a serious look.

Seungmin's right. Everything was just-- too fast. Too quick to even decipher what should he do.


"I just...graduated not too long ago. And I have things I want to do before deciding to settle off with a mate..." there was a little crack in between Seungmin's voice as he talked but Minho just shrugged it off after seeing Seungmin's determined face.

Dream...It's been so long since he had thought about it. Does he still have them? He's not sure. But he understands how Seungmin felt like. It must feel suffocated to suddenly agree to something you couldn't avoid.

Minho took a deep breath and slowly let them out as he was still looking at Seungmin's sullen face. It made his heart weirdly sick in a way.

"Seungmin...I knew, how that feels like. And you're right, everything is happening way too fast. I'm not even ready to marry someone--"

"Then, since both of us are against this marriage, should we call it off?" Seungmin's voice sounded as excited as he told Minho about his adventure earlier. His eyes spark as he eagerly asked Minho.

"You know that we can't do that, right?" as much as Minho doesn't want to break Seungmin's expectation, they still need to proceed with their marriage.

Seungmin's face went gloomy again as the smile from before immediately erased from his face. "But hyung, I am against this marriage. You too, I supposed. Thus, we can just call it off since--"

"And? Do you think people won't talk about it if we suddenly cancel the marriage right after sending out the invitations?" and there goes Minho's patience, the one that Changbin is always worried about. "If you don't feel affected by it, you do you. But I, have a reputation to keep." Minho looked right into Seungmin's eyes. His eyes were deadly and cold.

And Seungmin being Seungmin, he looked back into the older's eyes with the same amount of murderous. Well, he tried. He crossed his arms and rested his back comfortably against the chair. "What kind of reputation, Director Lee?"

Minho scoffed as he did not expect, the sweet and warm Seungmin earlier, was glaring at him right now but he tried to be as professional as he could.

"I am the heir of Lee's Group, Mr. Kim. They; the company, my family, want me to have a mate, and build my own family as soon as possible."

"Then? It doesn't matter to me then, right?" Seungmin is furious Minho must say. He could see the younger's eyes were firing bullets at him.

Minho tried to recollect himself as he closed his eyes for a moment and let out a sigh. "Seungmin, please. We could settle this in a better way. I don't want to cause a chaos here. Not when there's already so many people involved in our situation." his voice softened as he tried not to spread his anger even more. He knew that wouldn't help both of them much.

"But I don't want to get married...Well, not this soon." Seungmin was looking at him with which Minho interprets as puppy eyes. Are they? It made Minho's stomach churned a bit when he quickly looked away and harshly took a glass of water, chugged it all down.

It was then a long silent between the two of them before Minho came up with an idea. Or a decision.

"How about this, let's make an agreement that will satisfy both parties? In this case, both of us. But we still need to carry on the marriage. You know, it's going to affect your family too."

"Like a contract?" Minho nodded and Seungmin seemed to give a thought about it.

"Okay, let's do it. Bring the agreement."


A month passed after that dinner with Minho and now, Seungmin is stucked at a wedding studio with Minho-- or his future husband. Also, it's been a month since he last met Minho. Both of them led a busy life after that.

Seungmin with his graduation things he needed to settle with, and Minho had numerous of meetings he needed to attend. All of their wedding matters were handled by their mothers, which was surprisingly good. Seungmin never knew his mom had a great relationship with Minho's mother.

Seeing Minho again today made Seungmin nervous a bit. Just like how nervous he was during their dinner before. Minho picked him up from his faculty and straight going to the studio their mothers had chosen for them.

Minho opened the door for him, escorted him carefully, listened to what the wedding planner told them intently, even softly asked Seungmin if everything was all right. A vastly different side from the Minho a month before. Seungmin still remember he was a bit startled when Minho letting out his veto side. It's charismatic but-- in a way he was shocked.

The Minho today is so sweet, caring, and-- Did he just complimenting Minho? Anyway, it was weird.

About their agreement-- There's nothing much he could do. He did...bring up about calling the wedding off, though he knew it was impossible. It doesn't hurt to try, right?

Lee Minho & Kim Seungmin Marriage Agreement:
1. Kim Seungmin needs to move in into Lee Minho's personal apartment.
2. Kim Seungmin is free to do everything he wanted to do; Lee Minho won't disturb Kim Seungmin's personal matters. It would work another way around too.
3. One of third Minho's shares would be Seungmin's as a wedding gift.
4. (Seungmin couldn't remember but he's sure they're all fine)

It was a list and Seungmin would say he couldn't remember all of them well but those were the most important and most negotiable agreement he ever came to. He got a place to live, free to live how he wanted it to be, and money is a bonus. He loves it.

That's why, he's here. Struggling to even wear the necktie by himself until Minho saw it and quietly assist him. Seungmin's eyes bulged for a moment as Minho moved closer to him so suddenly. He almost pushed him away before Minho whispered to him.

"I just want to fix your necktie. Calm down." and Seungmin tried to calm his sudden fast heartbeat down.

After Minho finished the last pull of Seungmin's necktie, Seungmin softly thanked him and looked at both of them through the big mirror. Minho was looking good as always and him...well, great too. But not as great as Minho.

"Well, uh, you looked great." Seungmin tried to loosen the tension between them, and Minho looked at him with a smirk before, again, he moved closer to Seungmin until Seungmin could feel Minho's warm breath against his neck.

"You too, my love." Seungmin could feel he stopped breathing for a moment. His-- what?!

Minho then pulled himself back to where he was and looked into the mirror while adjusting his own dress shirt's collar. Seungmin could feel his ears warmed by Minho's sudden action just let out a sigh before the stylist assigned for their wedding called them for their suits fitting.

Lee Minho is full of surprises.

a/n: hello, um hi? *waves frantically* first of all, it's quite a short update this time but thank you for reading my first work here. *hugs* it's still overwhelming to me because I thought no one, not a single person would have any interest to read this but thank you! T.T all your views, votes and comments mean a lot to me *bows*

anyway, I just wanna inform you guys that I'm still in 'construction' with my work here so if you see updates from previous chapter, it's bcs I needed to add here and there where I think it's needed and I'm so sorry for that :( and again, thanks for reading and hope you're anticipating for the future parts as well <3

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