04. The Meeting.

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It's Lee Minho.

Seungmin still remembers how those almond-shaped eyes were looking at him with that sharp gaze without a slight interest (most likely because he was the reason why Minho's shirt turned deep brown?) when he was apologizing to him. He could feel a different aura coming from that man. An aura from someone as respectable as Minho. He heard that Minho is a dominant alpha too (Naver search engine really helped him), which explains the overflowing charisma coming from him.

Minho has a beautifully sculptured (according to Jeongin) nose. His slightly red, thin lips which in Seungmin's opinion, it would be hard to see the young director's smile because from what Seungmin saw today, Minho only has this indifferent, more to a scowl expression, on his face (and whose fault is it that?!).

Anyway, it was not a great first impression. Except for the fact, Seungmin couldn't stop staring at Minho's face. Minho's parents' genes indeed worked hard to have that kind of beautiful features. He couldn't disagree. The photos on the internet didn't do justice to him. Minho is absolutely more good-looking and charming in real life. He needs to admit the fact that the internet wasn't lying about Minho's good side and labeled him as a 'hot-bachelor' because he indeed is.

And about him agreeing to his parents' idea, well...In a way, he did agree to them, but his head didn't remember when he did that. Maybe when Jisoo came for a sleepover in his room the other day. The little one was so happy to know he's going to have another uncle and ran around the house, telling his grandma and grandpa happily.  Maybe that.

But whatever the case is, he agreed.

And a week from now, his mom informed him that he needed to meet Minho. He was scared for a moment, more to feel nervous about it and he don't even know why. Like-- he only needs to have dinner with him, eat together. And talk.

But the fact he also needs to look at those icy eyes again made a shiver run down his spine. They're intimidating in his opinion.

While Seungmin was reviewing all the photos he took in Ghana, his phone was buzzing, asking him to pick it up as someone is calling him. Seungmin stopped doing his work and reached for his smartphone on his bed.

Han Jisung.

Seungmin picked it up to welcome with a very Jisung way when the line was connected. "KIM SEUNGMINNN!!!" Seungmin needed to move his phone away from his ear for a moment before he replied to Jisung.

"Can't you start the conversation with a 'hello' like a normal person would do?" Seungmin lie-down on his bed and he heard Jisung was laughing at the end of the line.

"Then, you wouldn't know it was me." Seungmin could see Jisung was giving him a smirk right now.

"Whatever. Why did you call me? You are interrupting my work progress."

"Well, do you think you have something to tell me?" Jisung asked him and Seungmin frowned for a moment before something hit his memory. Ah, right. He indeed forgot to tell Jisung about it.

"Oh, that. Nothing important though--"

"Nothing important?! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED! And with someone-- who the universe knows. How is this your 'nothing important', huh?" Jisung sounds like he was mad, but Seungmin knew he wasn't.

"Look, Jisung. My marriage won't be as anticipating as to how yours and Hyunjin were like, okay? I-- don't even want to get married...I'm scared." he confessed his real thought to Jisung.

Yes, he was scared. This whole thing feels so new to him.

Seungmin could hear Jisung sigh lowly on the other line. "Seungmin, listen. That's totally normal. People out there were scared too. I was scared too. The thought of living with the same person for your whole life. Even if that someone is someone that you're familiar with for a long time. It would give you a new commitment and I understand that." Seungmin listened to Jisung's every word.

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