12. The Aftercare ⚠️.

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a/n: yall know this chapter's coming 😌 a chapter filled with nsfw. uh, just a head ups. don't wanna spoil so um, read at your own risk :3 enjoy I guess? and I'm sorry :3


Minho's deep sleep was disturbed by the sudden weight that suddenly pressed his whole body. Usually, it would be one of the three cats that bother him so early in the morning. But this time, it's a bit-- unusual, he must say. It feels soft? And warm? And without fur? He tried to open his eyes and to his surprise, he was welcomed by the sight of his very adorable husband who probably just woke up too.

If you're asking, yes. Kim Seungmin is lying completely on Minho's body. Try to ask Minho why too but probably he would say he had no idea why but not that he's complaining.

Should Minho mention too the way Seungmin is currently looking at him? The younger dares to look at him with his cute round eyes as he's still wearing Minho's shirt from last night. Minho tried to control himself not to kiss his cute husband.

"Hey, sunshine. Good morning." Minho's morning voice softly greeted Seungmin and his arms automatically snaked around Seungmin's waist.

The younger replied to him with a soft 'Good morning too, hyung.' with his cheeky smile as his fingers started to trace along Minho's features. Those long, slender fingers made their way to both of Minho's eyebrows, softly caressing them. Then, they moved along Minho's beautifully sculptured (according to Seungmin) nose. Lastly, they stopped on Minho's plump lips (also according to Seungmin), longer than the others.

Seungmin tried to close their gap and Minho knew where this would end up to. Thus, he quickly covered his mouth with his hand and Seungmin's lips met his palm instead. Seungmin confusedly blinked his eyes and Minho chuckled at his husband's reaction.

"No sunshine. I just woke up and I don't want you to kiss me with my morning breath. It's not the best thing, right?"

"But-- I want to kiss you..." Seungmin muffled a whine as his fingers played with Minho's ears. Minho could see a small pout starting to form too. Too adorable he should say.

"Later, after I finished washing up, okay? I promise I'll go real quick." Minho tried to make a soft negotiation with Seungmin.

He knew that Seungmin's heat wasn't over yet. Instead, it just started. He needs to be as soft and as delicate while handling Seungmin during his heat.

Minho could see the younger's long face but nodded to Minho's question, nonetheless. He slowly scoots over from hovering Minho's body and curls himself over a pile of Minho's shirt at the other side of the bed.

It's Seungmin's nest.

And Minho's heart couldn't stop screaming at how cute his husband is right now. He quickly excused himself to brush his teeth and wash his face (Minho left a kiss too on Seungmin's head before he go because he's whipped for his husband like that).

After he finished, Seungmin is still resting comfortably in his 'nest' and Minho smiled at the view. He walked towards their bed and sat beside Seungmin as his fingers started to caress Seungmin's head gently. Seungmin leaned into his touch.

"How are you today?" Minho asked his husband while smoothing Seungmin's locks.

Seungmin's eyes were closed as he let out a hum. "It's getting better. But my body still feels hot."

Minho naturally touched Seungmin's forehead and neck to feel the younger's body temperature and indeed Seungmin was a bit warm but it's less than yesterday.

"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Seungmin took a moment as he looked at Minho's face to answer and that made Minho surprised, a little.

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