10. The Date II.

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a/n: I recommend you listen to I'm Gonna Love You by D.O., Wonstein when reading this part ;)


Minho woke up that morning with happiness blooming in his heart. He felt ecstatic and contented. He was staring at his husband who was still sleeping peacefully in his arms. The sound of Seungmin's breathing, the scent that Seungmin released whenever he's with Minho, the comfortable and warm Seungmin who keeps on snuggling to him as if he doesn't want to get separated from Minho.

Minho gave the crown of Seungmin's head a soft kiss before the younger stirred a bit in his sleep. Minho waited for a few seconds if Seungmin decided to wake up but seemed like Seungmin's eyes were still tightly closed. The younger threw one of his arms around Minho's torso, hugging the older closely in his sleep.

He let the younger sleep more since it's the weekend. Both of them needed a rest after a restless week. The company...That can wait too. Changbin informed him that everything was still under control, and he deserve a time break.

Minho caressed Seungmin's hair lovingly. He looks at Seungmin's soft and delicate features (he never gets tired of them) before his fingers moved down to Seungmin's cheeks. He playfully (and softly) pinched those cheeks he adores so much and Seungmin's sleeping face frowned by the sudden pressure but again, he continued his sleep. It must be tiring for Seungmin. Minho is tired too. Being away from Seungmin for too long made him feel lost and tired.

Minho smiled at his morning sight. It was great. Everything feels like it falls at its own place like it used to be. It felt right.

After a few minutes of checking out his husband's face that he missed a lot, Minho decided to make their breakfast. Or brunch since he just saw the current time from the clock at his study. It's 11 AM. He gently removed himself from Seungmin's koala-like hug and made his way to the kitchen.

Soybean paste stew sounds like a great menu for brunch.


"You made this?" Seungmin asked as he eats (literally shoving everything because he is hungry) the dish Minho made this morning, or afternoon, whichever.

Minho nodded happily and reminds the younger to eat slowly. They had a hearty and warm brunch for that day in between of Seungmin's usual chatters and stories. Seungmin also volunteered to wash the dishes for which at first Minho forbid him to do so but Seungmin being Seungmin, he doesn't care as he wore the washing gloves and starts to wash.

Seungmin asked Minho to watch Netflix first while waiting for him to finish, specifically the drama he's been watching recently. Minho flipped over the Recently Watch section to see the last drama Seungmin watched, Nevertheless. Minho was never a fan of drama, but he clicked on the first episode anyway.

After a few minutes, Seungmin was running from the kitchen with some snacks in his hands before he plopped himself at the seat next to Minho. It's the nth time of the day where Minho needed to remind him to be careful.

"Which episode are you watching now?" Seungmin excitedly asked as he opened the snack in his hand.

"The first one." Minho lazily answered. Honestly, he doesn't have the interest in watching it right now.

Seungmin then nodded and watched it with him though he has already seen it. Minho's focus was not on the television screen anymore. He's straightly staring at his husband who keeps on shoving snacks into his mouth.

"Hyung, eyes on the screen. Not me."

"But I'm only interested to look at you, not the screen." their, or only Minho's, usual teasing was back. So does Seungmin's disinterest look reacting to Minho's teasing with his little 'Really, hyung?'.

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