03. The Encounter.

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It's 7.27 AM. Changbin walked out from the elevator and his feet brought him towards the director's room where Minho would be in later. He's the very first breathing being to arrive at the office as he needs to prepare everything beforehand so that when Minho came into the office later, they could start their busy schedule.

The 11th floor of the Lee's Group building is specialized for Minho's unit for marketing purposes. Usually, no one would be any earlier than Changbin but this morning it felt a tad different from the usual mornings he had. He caught a whiff of spicy scent that made him mentally note it's the familiar alpha's scent he had mentally noted belongs to whom. It's not suffocating yet but it's strong enough to make him cover his nose with his sleeve.

Minho's scent was all over the floor.

He immediately opened all the windows he could see to air out the scent and quickened the pace towards the director's room to see Minho was already there, sitting at his chair behind his messy working desk, checking the files Changbin left yesterday before he went back home. The Minho in front of him right now made him put up an extra caution as he's walking closer to him.

Minho rarely releases his scent this much. It must be something wrong going on.

"Hyung?" Changbin carefully called Minho.

The older stopped from inspecting the files and looked up to see Changbin's face. Those cold, deadly, yellow eyes made chills run down Changbin's spine. Even though he is an alpha too, like Minho, Minho's dominant alpha trait would make everyone bow down to him. Changbin calmed himself down before he slowly moved forward, closer to where Minho is.

He saw a bottle of pills he's familiar with and a glass of water beside the piles of files in front of Minho. It's the suppressant pills for alphas.

Is his rut coming? Changbin thought to himself, remembering the date today and quickly calculating Minho's cycle. It's not in his job scope but he needs to be prepared if something like this is happening.

It was supposed to be next week but why--

"You're late." was the only thing Minho blurted out and then he continued to look over the documents.

"It's only seven-thirty in the morning, sir. Everyone would clock in earliest at eight in the morning."


"Why did you release your scent all over the floor? Did something happen?" Changbin asked to which made the older to let out a low growl.

This is bad. This is when Minho couldn't control himself for the next few hours. A sight of a small fang appeared in between Minho's lips and Changbin decided to call everyone in Minho's team that they don't need to come to the office today, all the meetings were postponed, and he-- needs to bring Minho home, as soon as possible. No other alpha is needed to get triggered by Minho's scent.

He braved himself to walk towards Minho. He could see beads of sweats pooled around the older's forehead and the neck down to the clavicle. Changbin tried to sling Minho's right arm around his neck, and he tightened his arms around Minho's waist to support Minho's body. Minho then suddenly clutched his chest and growl even louder.

There's only one person popped in Changbin's head as he hurriedly reached for his mobile phone to make a call to that person.

One second. Two seconds. The line connected.

"Hello, Changbin?" just before the voice could continue, Changbin cut him.

"Chan hyung, Minho hyung is having his rut schedule messed up again. Where are you?"

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