09. The Longing.

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It's been a week since Chan and Changbin came to their house on that day and Seungmin could sense Minho was avoiding him since that too. Right after Chan and Changbin left, Minho was still fine. He just doesn't talk much. He just followed what Seungmin wanted him to do.

But it went downfall on the next day. Minho fully shut him out, holed up in the room with the locked door. Seungmin tried to talk to him from behind the door but to no avail. It's only the silence replied to him. Minho is avoiding him.

'Maybe hyung needs some time...' was what Seungmin would tell himself to lessen his worry.

Seungmin would sleep in the guest room. He only stopped in front of his and Minho's room when it's time to eat. He would leave a tray of food in front of the room, knock on the door, and tell Minho the food's ready before he leaves the house. He knew Minho won't leave the room if Seungmin was lurking around outside the room.

Seungmin brought along his camera and his laptop as he would spend his time at some park or somewhere quiet to get his job done. The autumn view is still filling every nook and crook of Seoul. He won't leave this chance to go by without his camera doing its job. Plus, he could stop worrying about Minho for a while. He's been thinking why Minho was still avoiding him. He gave his husband the time and space but still...

It's almost dark due to the upcoming rain shower after Seungmin finished taking a few shots. He was quite satisfied with his snaps of the day, but he didn't plan to go back home yet. Thus, he led himself to Hyunjin's studio to see the latter was there with the little Hyunsoo. Hyunsoo's eyes went wide upon seeing Seungmin before he ran towards him and hugged Seungmin's legs with the usual excited scream 'Uncle Puppyyy!!'.

"Hey, little bun! What are you doing at your daddy's working place? And where's Jaeyi?" Seungmin picked the little Hyunsoo up and walked over to Hyunjin who was busy cleaning his camera.

"Daddy said Appa's sick so we cannot disturb him. Jaeyi's at Grandma's because she was sleeping. Only Hyunie came here. And, and Hyunie met Uncle Puppy!" the little once again hugged Seungmin's neck and Seungmin giggled at Hyunsoo's answer.

"Jisung was having his heat. That's why all of us leave the house for a moment. I need to leave the kids at my parents' house, and I'll go back to check on him later. I hope he's fine." Hyunjin explained to him with a weak smile and a pair of worried eyes. Seungmin felt that because he's worried about Minho too at home.

Maybe he's showing too much of his troubled face until the little Hyunsoo brought both of his point fingers at both ends of Seungmin's lips and pulled them upward. "Uncle Puppy, smileeeee." and that made Seungmin's heart swell a bit. He gave the little Hyunsoo his wide smile and the little just giggled happily in his arms.

Kids are just too precious. Seungmin gave Hyunsoo's cheek a peck before he put the kid down to let him do whatever he was doing before. Before Hyunsoo left, he copied what Seungmin did to him, gave Seungmin's cheek a peck before he walked back to where his coloring books were scattered at. See?

Seungmin then took a seat in front of Hyunjin and took his camera and laptop out to transfer the photos he took just now. After a solid twenty minutes or so, the rain started to pour down heavily. It was darker than earlier, it's not even 7 PM yet. Seungmin then felt a tap on his shoulder. When he turned to his back, it was Hyunjin with two cups of hot cocoa in his hands.

"Nice photos." Hyunjin handed him the hot cocoa and Seungmin softly thanked him for both the compliment and hot drink.

Hyunjin sat beside Seungmin and both of them were sipping the hot beverage in silence as the little Hyunsoo already sleeping on the sofa with his pacifier. This is nice. Hot cocoa and rain.

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