Epilogue. Here, Always.

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a/n: I felt like I got haywire while writing this on a whim. And I'm sorry about that. Just a few warnings (though idk if yall will take them as a warning or not >,<) this chapter is a bit lengthy but not really. I think it's because I wrote this like-- 3 in the morning...idk too what I wrote so uhm, be prepared. And a little (or quite a detailed) hot scene. minmin as parents chapter ahead! buckle up people, we're going on a journey. I hope yall gonna enjoy it. Let's go!


Minho opened his eyes that day to his everyday morning view, Seungmin's cheeks planted against his chest, gingerly snuggling against his chest in his sleep as his lips jutted a bit, forming a cute pout. Minho grinned at the younger's sleeping habit and waited no time to leave a quick smooch on the pout a few times, making his husband stir a bit in his sleep.

A few seconds later, Seungmin started to open his eyes, blinking a few times, and rubbed his eyes to shoo sleepiness away before he loosened his arms around Minho's body. Minho watched the way his husband stretched his whole body like a cat amusedly before he turned his face to Minho with his usual morning silly smile.

"Good morning, hyung." Seungmin closed the gap between their bodies and curled himself back into Minho's warmth, looking up at the older.

"Good morning, sunshine. How was your sleep?" Minho left a quick kiss on Seungmin's forehead.

"It was hard to get up, I guess. It's too comfortable to leave the bed." as Minho became more accustomed to Seungmin's whines, the older let out light chuckles to the expected answer.

"Oh really? Do you want more cuddles then?"

"Yes, plea--" just before Seungmin could finish, both of them heard a faint crying from the next room and Minho knew where this would lead to.

Seungmin weakly smiled at the older and quickly entangled himself from his husband, but Minho was quicker.

"Wait sunshine, you stay here. I'll take care of Minhee. You can go and wash up first." with that, Minho left their bed and Seungmin, jogged towards the room next to theirs where their little son sleeps.

Seungmin was a little bit skeptical at first to let the little one sleep alone in his own room this early. His reason is, "He's still so small. Let me spoil him more." with his signature pout and Minho being Minho. He couldn't resist but this time, he stood with his opinion.

"But sunshine, I'm doing this for his own good. Eventually, he would sleep in his own room too, right? We still can spoil him but when it's his bedtime, we'll let him sleep alone. We'll watch him from our room. I got a camera installed in Minhee's room in advance." that made Seungmin heavily agree.

And that's why sometimes Minho would find Seungmin fell asleep in Minhee's baby cot, curling up in that small space, for which Minho had no idea how, with their son, to sleep soundly. That's how Minho's phone gallery is suddenly full. They're all either photo of Minhee since the first day he was born till now, or those photos of Seungmin sleeping together with Minhee in that small bed.

Minho opened the door to see his son already awake with an obvious long pout and teary eyes in his baby cot, already sitting and looking at the door. He stopped crying while waiting patiently for Minho or Seungmin to come in. Minho's heart swells at the sight and quickly walks towards his son, picking the little fella up.

"Good morning, cuddle bug. Did you cry when you see no one is around?" Minho kissed the chubby cheeks to wipe off the tears stained on them. Minhee leaned into Minho's kisses and Minho kissed both cheeks more, making the small human giggle.

"Daddy is sorry, okay?" as if the little Minhee understood his daddy, he looked away, trying to sulk and Minho knew where this trait came from. He smiled and hugged Minhee tighter and showered more kisses all over that little face before Seungmin entered the room.

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