14. The News.

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It was a quiet morning when Minho woke up until he heard something fall on the floor from outside the room, followed by Seungmin's little scream. He quickly rushed out to see the younger was in the kitchen. Seungmin was wearing his apron while trying to clean up the mess happening on the floor.

Seemed like Seungmin was trying to cook, given a view of the scattering pots and preparations from the sink to the stove. That would be a lot to clean up but that's for later to worry about. For now, Minho exhaled a sigh of relief as he saw nothing hazardous happen other than the usual Seungmin clumsiness.

"Gosh, Kim Seungmin. Would you please do something without causing a mess?" Seungmin muttered to himself as he picked up the things on the floor with his back facing Minho.

Minho tiptoed towards his husband, wanting to surprise Seungmin but then the younger stood up abruptly and ran towards the nearest sink with both of his hands tightly covered his mouth before--

"Bwuekk!" things Seungmin ate from the night before leaving his stomach. Minho dashed towards the younger, forgetting about his plan earlier, and softly rubbed Seungmin's back, trying to ease him.

Then, another round of throwing up happened and Seungmin once again bends over the sink by the sudden force. Minho keeps on stroking the younger's back and told him to let everything out.

A minute passed and Seungmin started to wash his mouth entirely after he's making sure he doesn't feel to throw up more. Minho fetched a few tissue papers and handed them over to Seungmin. The younger weakly took them and wiped his mouth.

Minho walked his husband towards a chair nearby and let him sit before he gets a glass of water. Minho handed it to Seungmin but the younger pushed it away.

"It's disgusting to drink water after puking." Seungmin massaged the temple of his head, but Minho quickly removed them. He pulled another chair and sat in front of Seungmin as his fingers carefully pressed around the younger's head with proper pressure.

Minho, of course, narrowed his eyes, having this worrying face. "Sunshine, are you okay? Do you still have the feel to throw up?"

Seungmin shook his head but then he stopped and puffed his cheeks, trying to hold himself. "A bit. But not now." he heaved out a sigh as he took Minho's busy hands in his, telling the older he's quite fine.

"Should we go to the hospital?" Minho asked after a few minutes of examining his husband's condition.

Again, Seungmin shook his head. "No need, hyung. I think it's the usual stomachache."

"Alright then." Minho let out a sigh and continued. "But let me know if you're feeling any discomfort, okay?" Seungmin nodded and Minho looked around the kitchen.

Right, it was a mess. Pots and pans were everywhere. Not to mention the irregular shapes of vegetables cut and the spices scattered beside a bowl.

What in the world is happening?

Minho looked at Seungmin who already ran his gaze everywhere but Minho's face. The younger seemed to swallow a heavy lump in his throat.

"Kim Seungmin," Minho called his husband's name out sternly. The younger's shoulders were tensed by the sudden change of tone. Minho on the other side was trying his best not to laugh because of his husband's antics. He kept his face straight before he continued.

"What's going on with the kitchen? Are you trying to create war with the pots and pans?" not that Minho is seriously mad because of it but Seungmin's reaction is too funny to let it go. Maybe Minho want to tease a bit more.

Seungmin is still silent, and his eyes were panicking. Still not looking at Minho. 

"Kim Seungmin," Minho called again and Seungmin is still not moving from his seat.

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