Extra: Big Brother Minhee.

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a/n: surprise, I guess? (though not really >,< but hey, one last update from me ehe)


Minhee stirred awake and looked around the unfamiliar room upon his eyes. He softly rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times.

Right, he's not in his room. Not even his house. He looked around to see Jisoo hyung was still sleeping in the bed next to the one he's using right now.

Minhee's eyes suddenly wide awake when he felt like he needed to go to the bathroom immediately. Right now. But his parents weren't around. He couldn't just go and wake Jisoo hyung up. The older seemed to enjoy his dream given the position and a smile with disgusting drool noticeable at the tail of his mouth.

Minhee let out a little sigh and struggled to get out of the big bed. It's a bit different from the one at home which his daddy made specially for him. That one was easier. He carefully turned his body first to land on his tippy toes, trying to estimate how high the bed is. Once his tippy toes touched the floor, he put on his entire weight and successfully left the bed.

Now, the bathroom.

From Minhee's strong memory last night, Aunt Seohyun said the bathroom just next door to Jisoo hyung's room. Minhee looked around to find the big door. With his little steps, he walked towards it and stood on his toes a bit to reach for the doorknob and twist it. Successful.

Minhee turned to his right and saw the said door. It's time to be quick or else something would happen. He quickly ran and entered the bathroom to do his morning business.

Usually, his appa would be the one who brings him to the bathroom every morning for a piss but since he's not here...

It felt lonely without appa and daddy. It's not that Jisoo hyung is a bad company but he got too much energy? Sometimes Minhee couldn't keep up with the older's energy.

Minhee missed his appa and daddy a lot. Especially his appa. It's less than 24 hours but still...

Minhee still remembered from last night when he was about to sleep, he heard a faint knock on his room's door. While still rubbing his sleepy eyes, Minhee climbed off his bed and opened the door to see his daddy was smiling at him as he crouched down to Minhee's height.

"Hey, cuddle bug. I'm sorry to disturb your sleep," Minho softly caressed Minhee's head and left a quick kiss before he continued. "But we need to go to Aunt Seohyun's now and you need to stay there while I'm taking appa to the hospital, hmm?"

As Minhee heard his daddy, his eyes went wide. Appa?

"Is appa sick?" he was about to cry but Minhee held it in. He knows that big boys don't cry. And Minhee is a big boy, he's five already.

"No, cuddle bug--" Minho paused as worry evident on his face. He knew his son was worried. "Well, technically. But he's going to be fine. I promise you that." his daddy scooped him up and went into his room, took the emergency bag his appa already had it prepared beforehand and walked out.

Minhee then saw his appa was sitting on the sofa in their living room. His face seemed like he was trying to hold in the pain but as soon as his eyes found Minhee, he threw the little a weak smile.

Seungmin reached his arms out and Minho let Minhee go into his husband's arm, hugging the latter tightly. Minho walked into the kitchen, taking a few things before they went.

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