07. The Date.

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"Do you want to go on a date with me?" Minho proposed his idea that he has been keeping to himself for a while now to Seungmin when they were having their breakfast together.

It's just the starting of autumn and Minho knew that Seungmin loves autumn so much. It's the weekend and according to the weather forecast, it's going to be a wonderful day to go out and have a walk together. Yes, Minho is quite prepared for this.

"A date?" Seungmin asked him and Minho nodded.

Seungmin was still munching his cereal, tilting his head a little, where Minho noted as Seungmin's thinking pose (and Minho thought it was cute). After a few seconds, he nodded his head, agreeing to Minho's suggestion. "Sure." and Seungmin shoved another spoon of Froot Loops.

A small beam made its way on Minho's face, and he took another sip of Americano that Seungmin made for him just now. He then remembered the day when he first met Seungmin. The boy had that made him stained his shirt when he was rushing for an important meeting. Seungmin was lucky he had the warm smile that Minho adores very much.

"Do you remember that incident?" Minho suddenly asked in between their comfortable morning silence.

"What incident?" Seungmin gave him a questioning look.

"At that cafe? When you abruptly stood up and made me spilled my coffee?" Minho raised his right brow, trying to make Seungmin remember about it.

Seungmin let out an amused laugh while covering his mouth (Minho is whipped). "Oh, that? You still remember?"

"Of course! I was trying to make it to an important meeting, but a cute boy decided to suddenly stand up from his seat without any notice...I would remember it forever." Minho purposely highlighted the word 'cute boy' just to see Seungmin's reaction but to his disappointment, Seungmin just shrugged it off with another laugh (which made Minho's heart ache in an effective way).

"Jeongin was the one who panicked over me accidentally stained your shirt. He was like 'Are you mad? You just did that to The Lee Minho?!' after you left." Seungmin was still laughing telling Minho the backstory from his point of view.

Minho furrowed his brows. "I wasn't aware that I was that intimidating... Am I?"

"No hyung, you are intimidating. I was scared when you looked at me with that-- glare. I thought I was too stunned--"

"You're too stunned with my beauty?" Minho never let the chances to tease Seungmin slip from his hand.

Seungmin was about to swat his hand towards Minho before he quickly grabbed both of his husband's hands while giggling. "Okay, all right. I won't tease you anymore. What was it? You're too stunned because?"

Minho saw Seungmin was pouting while struggling to let his hands free from Minho's grip. Will Minho let him go? Of course not. He brings his chair closer to Seungmin's and the younger just gave up on trying and continued.

"Have you seen what people even wrote about you on the internet?" and Minho shook his head as he laced his fingers over Seungmin's and Seungmin let him.

He was never interested in what the internet tells others. He doesn't even have the time to check it. Usually, Chan or Changbin were the ones who saw the articles about him then told him about it. Thus, he doesn't know much.

"Well..." Seungmin stopped for a moment. He looked into Minho's eyes before he ran his gaze away as he continued. "...I only saw once though. It was Jeongin who told me about it. It's not a terrible thing, really. They said you're one of the hottest bachelors who have a deadly glare...Something like that? But I think, they're spreading false news."

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